2013 - Volume 2013 - Issue 1
Recent Submissions
Construction mediation as a developmental process
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)This paper seeks to argue that mediation has been hitherto conceived in the construction industry, and indeed by practitioners in other related disciplines such as property management, as largely a “problem-solving” ... -
Reforms in triple talaq in the personal laws of Muslim states and the Pakistani legal system: Continuity versus change
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)This work analyses the reforms carried out in some of the Muslim states regarding the issue of triple divorce in one session. According to a majority of Sunni jurists, pronouncing the word “talaq” three times in succession, ... -
التكييف القانوني لأيلولة الأصول والخصوم من المشروع العام إلى شركة المساهمة في ظل قوانين التخصيص في الكويت: تعليق في النظرية القائمة ونظرية مقترحة
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)حدد القانون رقم 6 لسنة 2008 في شأن تحويل مؤسسة الخطوط الجوية الكويتية إلى شركة مساهمة والقانون رقم 37 لسنة 2010 في شأن تنظيم برامج وعمليات التخصيص، إجراءات تخصيص المشروعات العامة على نحو أيلولة أصول وخصوم المشروع العام إلى ... -
Constitutional rights to supervised drug injection facilities in Canada
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)On September 30, 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered the government of Canada to continue to exempt Vancouver's supervised narcotic injection facility from Canada's criminal drug laws. The controversial clinic, known ... -
The limits on prosecutorial discretion in Singapore: Past, present, and future
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)The exercise of prosecutorial discretion is a unique executive act that continues to be very well-protected from public scrutiny in many jurisdictions throughout the world. In this article, I attempt to survey virtually ...