2015 - Volume 2015 - Issue 3
Recent Submissions
Maladministration and life beyond legality: The European Ombudsman's paradigm
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)The ambition of this article is to illustrate the attractions of thinking beyond legality and the ability of the concept of maladministration to modify established administrative dogma when utilised in a creative and ... -
The politics of constitutional amendments in Bangladesh: The case of the non-political caretaker government
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)The Fifteenth Amendment to the Bangladesh Constitution removed the provision for elections under a non-political caretaker government, which allowed for three successful elections in the country. The removal of the ... -
Convergence and divergence: the treatment of certain aspects of real property under the Civil Codes of Qatar and California
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)This paper compares and contrasts the treatment of certain aspects of real property under the civil codes of Qatar and California, two jurisdictions with very different histories and cultures but somewhat less different ... -
Admissibility conditions of a constitutional suit in the Islamic judicial system
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)A constitutional Suit, like any other Suit, must satisfy certain conditions, and while there are common and general conditions applicable to all types of Suits, there are special conditions that are only relevant to a ... -
التنظيم القانوني للحوالة في القانون المدني القطري: تقييم فكرة المزج بين أحكام الفقه الإسلامي والفقه الغربي
( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)انتهج المشرّع القطري أسلوبًا لافتًا لدى تنظيمه أحكام الحوالة في القانون المدني، حيث قسمّها إلى حوالة حق ودين مجاريًا في ذلك الفقه الغربي، ثم قسّم حوالة الدين إلى حوالة مطلقة ومقيدة مقتفيًا بذلك أثر الفقه الإسلامي. وقد تبنى ...