Asphalt Rideability Specification and Construction of Expressways in Qatar
Development of an Expressway network with a smooth ride quality is part of the Qatar
2030 Vision. The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has placed high importance on the
asphalt specification and quality of construction of the Expressway network to produce
a perceived smooth, uninterrupted ride quality for the benefit of the traveling public.
Ashghal has used a robust international specification for the International Roughness
Index (IRI) and has required the Contractors and Supervision Consultants on the
Expressway projects to produce an exceptional ride quality by training asphalt paving
crews, using state-of the art asphalt paving and levelling equipment and quality control
testing of the finished pavement. Various obstacles have been encountered in the
Ashghal quest to produce world-class asphalt pavements and those obstacles have been
overcome. This paper highlights the lessons learned from asphalt construction and aims
to deliver to a wider audience the benefits of the Ashghal experience.
- Theme 2: Materials and Transportation Engineering [43 items ]