Now showing items 1-4 of 4
The Rising Veto Power of the Checkbook: An empirical Investigation of Parent's Impacts on Their Children's University enrollment
IGI Global
, 2022 , Article)
This study drew on different streams in the literature to theorize a power shift in favor of parents in the post-COVID-19 era. The authors investigated the impact of parents' campus site visits on university enrollment ...
Editorial: Between antiquity and modernity in sustainability management research: reflections from MSAR board members
Emerald Publishing Limited
, 2022 , Article)
Despite the seemingly diverse Arab countries, there are elements of commonality and homogeneity in culture and tradition and, hence, using deductive reasoning, we can objectively claim that there is what we can call an ...
The Impact of COVID-19 on Physical (In)Activity Behavior in 10 Arab Countries
, 2022 , Article)
Insufficient physical activity is considered a strong risk factor associated with non-communicable diseases. This study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on physical (in)activity behavior in 10 Arab countries before ...
Self-promotion and online shaming during COVID-19: A toxic combination
, 2022 , Article)
A public shaming frenzy has spread through social media (SM) following the instigation of lockdown policies as a way to counter the spread of COVID-19. On SM, individuals shun the idea of self-promotion and shame others ...