Qatar University Institutional Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 29650
The role of mid-chain hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids in the pathogenesis of hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy
( Springer Verlag , 2016 , Article Review)The incidence, prevalence, and hospitalization rates associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are projected to increase substantially in the world. Understanding of the biological and pathophysiological mechanisms ... -
On the damping of wind-induced vibration in tall buildings
( Civil-Comp Press , 2013 , Conference)Needless to say that the use of tuned liquid dampers (TLDs) in damping wind-induced vibration is indispensable in controlling the effect of fatigue stresses caused by repeated excitation loads. The serviceability of high-rise ... -
A novel impact damper consisting of a linear chain of particles
( American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , 2012 , Conference)Passive control is preferred due to its simplicity and low power consumption. A common passive control device is the Impact Damper which consists of a freely moving mass con- strained by two stops inside a container mounted ... -
Numerical investigations of wall-bounded turbulence
( SAGE Publications , 2011 , Conference)This article investigates numerically the effects on turbulence in two important flow regimes – fully developed channel flow and flow past a NACA 0012 airfoil, using the commercial software – FLUENT 6.3. The solution ... -
Experimental and numerical investigation of various tube geometries for improved heat transfer in solar central receivers
( American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , 2020 , Conference)Central receiver of Concentrated Solar Power technology constitutes 15% of the total initial cost and plays an important role in achieving high operating temperatures. Central receiver systems are composed of tubes with ... -
تحقيق التوازن في إنهاء عقد العمل للأسباب الفنية والاقتصادية: دراسة مقارنة بين القانونين الفلسطيني والبريطاني
( Qatar University Press , 2024 , Article)تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد المعايير الواجبة على صاحب العمل في حالة إنهاء عقد العمل لأسباب فنية أو اقتصادية، بحيث تضمن لأصحاب العمل الحق في اتخاذ الإجراءات والقرارات الإدارية المناسبة، بما يشمل تقليص عدد العمال، لمواجهة ... -
دور البنوك الفلسطينية في مكافحة جريمة غسل الأموال في ظل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي
( Qatar University Press , 2024 , Article)اختير هذا الموضوع لما له من أهمية في إبراز دور سلطة النقد الفلسطينية (البنك المركزي الفلسطيني) والبنوك العاملة في فلسطين في مكافحة جريمة غسل الأموال. يهدف البحث إلى الوقوف على مستوى الرقابة المصرفية الداخلية والخارجية على ... -
الثمن في البيع بالتقسيط: دراسة نقدية لقرار وزير التجارة والصناعة الكويتي رقم 81 لسنة 2023
( Qatar University Press , 2024 , Article)تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم قرار وزير التجارة والصناعة الصادر بتاريخ 16/5/2023 برقم 81 لسنة 2023 بشأن ضوابط وأحكام التسهيلات الائتمانية الناتجة عن عمليات البيع بالتقسيط للسلع والخدمات فيما اشتمل عليه من تقييد الثمن في البيع ... -
الضمانات التَّأدِيبيَّة للمُوَظَّف العام في قطر بين التشريع والاجتهاد القضائي
( Qatar University Press , 2024 , Article)يستهدف البحث دراسة الضمانات التأديبية للموظف القطري حسب النصوص القانونية واللائحة الجاري بها العمل، وامتداد هذه الضمانات على مستوى الزمن التأديبي؛ أي الضمانات التأديبية السابقة لجزاء التأديب والضمانات التأديبية المتزامنة ... -
Journal of Computer Information Systems: Intellectual and Conceptual Structure
( Taylor & Francis , 2022 , Article)This study examines the intellectual and conceptual structure of the Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS) from 1995 to 2021. The evolution of the key topics and the performance of different actors like the key ... -
Judicial Review of Congressional Power to Tax under U.S. Constitution: Tensions between Framers’ Intent and Imperatives of Reality
( Qatar University Press , 2024 , Article)This paper discusses authority granted to Congress over imposing federal taxes in general, and income tax in specific. The author used the critical analytical method to analyze the rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court, the ... -
Incorporating Data Analytics into Accounting Curricula: The Case of Jordanian Universities
( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) , 2023 , Conference)There is a growing recognition of the importance of analytics and big data in the accounting profession and a need for undergraduate accounting programs to better integrate these technologies into their curriculum. To find ... -
An Overview on the Identification of Software Birthmarks for Software Protection
( Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH , 2022 , Conference)Software birthmarks were created in order to identify instances of software piracy. The perception of a software birthmark was established in response to the limitations of watermarks, fingerprints, and digital signatures, ... -
Artificial Intelligence Based System on Enhancing the Capabilities of Transport System: A Systemic Literature Review
( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) , 2023 , Conference)Recent years have seen a considerable increase in the difficulty for our society in ensuring deep-rooted sustainability of traditional technology involve in critical structure. The role of Artificial intelligence (AI) is ... -
Educating Banking Employees to Ensure Security in the Cyberworld
( CRC Press , 2023 , Book chapter)Information and communication technology (ICT) has simplified our lives and revolutionised many facets of human existence. It has been used in several sectors and has streamlined corporate procedures by grouping, condensing, ... -
Fintech applications in Islamic finance: AI, machine learning, and blockchain techniques
( IGI Global Publishing , 2023 , Book)In the realm of Islamic finance, a pivotal challenge looms-the escalating complexity of investment decisions, macroeconomic analyses, and credit evaluations. In response, we present a groundbreaking solution that resonates ... -
Political Connections and Capital Structure in the GCC Banks
( World Scientific Publishing Co. , 2024 , Book chapter)This chapter investigates the impact of political connections on capital structure choices in GCC banks. Applying the generalized method of moments (GMM) shows that neither the pecking order theory nor the trade-off theory ... -
Blockchain Transformation for Banking and Financial Services: Examining the Opportunities and Risks
( Association for Information Systems (AIS) , 2023 , Conference)The advancement of blockchain technologies has created new opportunities for businesses to deliver new innovative offerings while improving their existing efficiencies to stay relevant and maintain the required competitive ... -
Governance in the developing world: Transnational insights on economic development
( Springer , 2023 , Book)This book assesses the extent to which good governance may contribute to enhancing economic performance and social welfare in developing countries, globally. Governance has been pointed out as one of the major weaknesses ... -
Governance and Growth in Developing Countries: New Insights from a Cross-Regional Empirical Analysis
( Springer , 2023 , Book chapter)This paper investigates the impact of governance on growth for a sample of 20 developing countries. We address the complementarity between the various dimensions of governance by constructing a global governance index and ...