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AuthorAmini, Changeez
AuthorTaherpour, Abbas
AuthorKhattab, Tamer
AuthorGazor, Saeed
Available date2021-06-07T09:59:12Z
Publication Date2016
Publication NameCanadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
AbstractIn this paper, an improved channel model and estimation for positioning in indoor environments using the visible light is presented. For positioning, the specific propagation and indoor channel model for visible light is used and a time-of-arrival (TOA) based distance estimations are proposed for two cases of known and unknown transmitter and receiver vertical distance. Based on this model and also assuming perfect synchronization between transmitter and receiver, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is computed as the theoretical limits on the performance and accuracy of any unbiased estimator. Unlike the radio frequency (RF) channel, the visible light communication (VLC) channel depends on the distance between the transmitter and receiver. Calculations show that proposed channel model and positioning result to more accurate distance estimate compared to their counterparts and the corresponding CRLB is almost 100 times lower than what was previously supposed.
SponsorThe research work of Abbas Taherpour and Tamer Khattab is funded by Qatar National Research Fund (A member of Qatar Foundation) under grant number NPRP 7-923-2-344. The statements made herein are the sole responsibility of the authors
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectCramer-Rao bounds
Indoor positioning systems
Radio transmission
Visible light communication
Cramer-rao lower bound
Distance estimation
Indoor channel model
Radio frequency channels
Theoretical accuracy
Time of arrival (TOA)
Transmitter and receiver
Visible light communications (VLC)
Time of arrival
TitleTheoretical accuracy analysis of indoor visible light communication positioning system based on time-of-arrival
TypeConference Paper
Volume Number2016-October

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