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AuthorKhalfi, Bassem
AuthorHamdaoui, Bechir
AuthorGhorbel, Mahdi Ben
AuthorGuizani, Mohsen
AuthorZhang, Xi
Available date2021-07-05T10:58:34Z
Publication Date2016
Publication NameProceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
AbstractEnergy harvesting techniques emerge as a potential solution for prolonging the lifetime of the energy-constrained mobile wireless devices. In this paper, we focus on radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting for multiuser multicarrier mobile wireless networks. The mobile users are capable of harvesting energy from the dedicated subcarriers over which they are communicating with the base station in addition to harvesting ambient RF signals. We propose a joint data and energy transfer optimization framework for powering mobile wireless devices through RF energy harvesting while minimizing the overall power consumption. The proposed framework determines the optimal power resources that need to be allocated to meet data rate requirements of downlink and uplink communications. Simulations show that substantial power savings are achieved by allowing the ambient RF energy harvesting as well as by exploiting the different system parameters. 2016 IEEE.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectEnergy harvesting
mobile wireless networks
optimal power resource allocation
TitleJoint data and power transfer optimization for energy harvesting wireless networks
Volume Number2016-September
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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