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AuthorMangera, Ali
Available date2021-07-15T12:21:47Z
Publication Date2021
Publication NameProceedings of the International Conference on the 4th Game Set and Match (GSM4Q-2019)
CitationMangera A.,"Reconstructing identities and the idea of Global Regionalism", International Conference on the 4th Game Set and Match (GSM4Q-2019), Doha, Qatar, 6-7 February 2019, https://doi. org/10.29117/gsm4q.2019.0021
AbstractWe live in a time of great anxiety and change; a time of shifting allegiances where the certainties upon which we have relied have simply vanished. Our once familiar political landscape is in flux; pandemics, civil rights, China, Brexit, Trump, interminable wars and nationalism, have led us to seek answers in ways that are simple and easy to understand. The fingerprints of identity politics are everywhere.
PublisherQatar Univesrity Press
SubjectGlobal Regionalism
TitleReconstructing identities and the idea of Global Regionalism
dc.accessType Open Access

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