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AuthorAl-Abbasi, Abubakr O.
AuthorHamila, Ridha
AuthorBajwa, Waheed U.
AuthorAl-Dhahir, Naofal
Available date2021-09-01T10:02:44Z
Publication Date2016
Publication Name2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2016
AbstractA major performance and complexity limitation in broadband communications is the long channel delay spread which results in a highly-frequency-selective channel frequency response. Channel shortening equalizers (CSEs) are used to ensure that the cascade of a long channel impulse response (CIR) and the CSE is approximately equivalent to a target impulse response (TIR) with much shorter delay spread. In this paper, we propose a general framework that transforms the problems of design of sparse CSE and TIR finite impulse response (FIR) filters into the problem of sparsest-approximation of a vector in different dictionaries. In addition, we compare several choices of sparsifying dictionaries under this framework. Furthermore, the worst-case coherence of these dictionaries, which determines their sparsifying effectiveness, are analytically and/or numerically evaluated. Finally, the usefulness of the proposed framework for the design of sparse CSE and TIR filters is validated through numerical experiments. 2016 IEEE.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectChannel estimation
Frequency response
Impulse response
Broadband Communication
Channel delay spread
Channel impulse response
Channel-shortening equalizers
Frequency selective channel
Numerical experiments
Target impulse response
Worst-case coherences
FIR filters
TitleDesign and analysis framework for sparse FIR channel shortening
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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