• The Dynamics of Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals: Recent Progress and Future Perspective 

      Shamsi, Imran Haider; Jin, Xiaoli; Zhang, Xin; Feng, Qidong; Ibrahim, Zakir; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2023 , Book chapter)
      The gradually accelerating and intensive pollution of biosphere with toxic elements has threatened the living beings. This phenomenon seems to be inexorable and unacceptable for the sustainable development, moreover the ...
    • Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization 

      Sarneel, Judith M.; Hefting, Mariet M.; Sandén, Taru; van den Hoogen, Johan; Routh, Devin; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2024 , Other)
      The breakdown of plant material fuels soil functioning and biodiversity. Currently, process understanding of global decomposition patterns and the drivers of such patterns are hampered by the lack of coherent large-scale ...
    • Zinc Toxicity and Tolerance in Plants 

      Shamsi, Imran Haider; Zhang, Qichun; Ma, Zhengxin; Noreen, Sibgha; Akhter, Muhammad Salim; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2023 , Book chapter)
      Zinc (Zn) is vital for optimum growth not only for plants but also for humans. In plants, Zn supplement either from natural resources/soil or exogenous application is essential for better flowering and fruiting. The ...