Now showing items 101-120 of 203

    • E-Rain Smart Storm Water Inlets Gate The GREEN MANAGEMENT for Smart Cities Roads Drain Rain Syste 

      Elnems, Khaled A. Hamid ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The emergence of Industry 4.0 forces us to become people who continue to advance and are technology literate, and Multidisciplinary engineering fields such as mechatronics combine engineering specialities such as robotics, ...
    • Salinity Concrete of Palm Ash 

      Nassef, Ahmad Salah Edeen; Alfarsi, Manar; Alwahibi, Shouq; Aljabri, Shouq; Al-Masaoudi, Aisha ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      This project studies the partial replacement of cement content in the concrete by the palm ash in the presence of seawater as a full replacement of pure water in mixing of the concrete. Certain percentages of replacement ...
    • MK-07 Electromagnetic Brushless Generator Unit 

      Sayed, Mostafa M. K. ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      MK-07 device Is an integrated system to generate Electrical Power with different capacities and reach high electrical power capabilities, The system operates without the use of any fuel, oil or gas. MK-07 work as a light ...
    • Revolutionizing Emergency Healthcare with a Mobile App 

      Lifsal, Jamila; Amhali, Farah ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Even if it's not usually mentioned, there are numerous instances in Morocco where patients have lost their lives due to delays in ambulance response. Access to timely emergency medical services is critical, especially in ...
    • Oxide Activated Carbon for Seawater Desalination Using Solar Energy 

      Al Rawahi, Wafa A.; Al Hashmi, Maryam S.; Al Riyami, Marwa; Al Aameriya, Hanadi; AL-Toubi, Nada A.; ... more authors ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Desalination of seawater is the efficient process and a viable solution for water shortage problem. One of the latest possible solution with less energy consumption is the use of activated carbon for the desalination ...
    • Bridging Disciplines and History: A Case Study of Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving in Moroccan Cybersecurity Engineering Education 

      Skifa, Hajar ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      This article outlines a case study conducted within the Moroccan cybersecurity engineering program at ENSA engineering school, aiming to demonstrate the integration of interdisciplinary problem-solving, principles of social ...
    • Novel Cereal Foods 

      Alnaddaf, Lina M. ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      This research contributes with new solutions to support sustainable food production, food security and safety as well as the production of high-quality food promoting human health and wellbeing. Cereals are amongst the ...
    • The use of Smartphone Audio and Artificial Intelligence to diagnose several health diseases 

      Majrashi, Naif A.; Kdida, Sanaa L.; Jaribi, Rahaf A.; Idris, Aroob A. ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in various fields, including healthcare. However, its implementation faces challenges such as precision, resilience, and interpretability. AI algorithms rely on ...
    • Innovative Sustainability Practices and Technological Innovation as a Key Competitive Advantages for Mega Sport Events: A Case Study of The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 

      AL Balushi, Nabeela Imam Bakhsh; AL Shamakhi, Salim Matair; AL Masahli, Al Anood Salim ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The purpose of this study is to examine the role of innovative sustainability practices and technological innovation as key factors in creating a competitive advantage for the 2022 FIFA World Cup hosted by Qatar. The study ...
    • مسرع إرجاع الأنياب العلوية الكهربائي النزوع 

      خشفه, محمد نعيم; حجير, محمد يونس ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      الحالة التقنية السابقة: قدمت تقنية التحريض بالتيار الكهربائي كطريقة واعدة لا جراحية وجربت على الحيوانات وأثبتت نجاحها ويعد هذا النموذج أول نموذج ضمن تجربة مضبوطة سريريا على البشر لتسريع إرجاع الانياب العلوية . شرح مفصل ...
    • The relationship between Cognitive Bias and Purchase decision: Applied study on carbonated water companies 

      Ismail, Ibrahim Youssef Farahat; اسماعيل, ابراهيم يوسف فرحات ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between cognitive bias and purchased decision in the field of application which is carbonated water companies. • Design/Methodology/Approach - This ...
    • تحسين إدارة مخلفات البناء عن طريق تقليل النفايات في مرحلة التصميم ضمن بيئة الـBIM 

      شعبان, محمد; علي, حسان محمد; Shaban, Mohamed; ali, Hassan Mohammad ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      تعد صناعة تشييد الأبنية من أهم المساهمين في إنتاج النفايات على مستوى العالم؛ لذلك ركزت جهود الباحثين على خفض مخلفات التشييد، ويُعدّ التصميم مرحلة حاسمة في تشكّل هذه المخلفات من خلال تحديد مقاسات العناصر وابعادها ونوعية ...
    • Mechanical properties of human hepatic tissues to develop liver-mimicking phantoms for medical applications 

      Lemine, Aicha S.; Ahmad, Zubair; Al-Thani, Noora J.; Hasan, Anwarul; Bhadra, Jolly ( Springer , 2023 , Article Review)
      Using liver phantoms for mimicking human tissue in clinical training, disease diagnosis, and treatment planning is a common practice. The fabrication material of the liver phantom should exhibit mechanical properties similar ...
    • دراسة تأثير تركيز تيترا أيزوبروبكسيد التيتانيوم (TTIP) على بعض مواصفات ألياف ثنائي أكسيد التيتانيوم النانوية المغزولة كهربائياً 

      طهماز, غزل; اليوسف, جلنار; إبراهيم, عصام ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      تم في هذا البحث إنتاج شبكات لامنسوجة من ألياف نانوية مكونة من أكسيد التيتانيوم باستخدام جهاز الغزل الكهربائي وتم دراسة تأثير تركيز تيترا أيزوبروبكسيد التيتانيوم (TTIP) على قطر الألياف النانوية الناتجة وعلى الناقلية الكهربائية ...

      AL-KALBANI, JOHAINA ABDULLAH RASHID; Venkatachalam, Sharmila deve ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The main objective of our project is to design and develop an AI-based scarecrow robot to protect crops from invasive birds. A special feature of this robot is that it repels only invasive birds, not all birds. In this ...
    • Cytogenetics and molecular biology in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ( ALL ) 

      EL MAHDAOUI, Chaimae; CHERKAOUI, Siham ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a group of heterogeneous diseases. Actually, 20% of acute leukemia cases are reported for adults against 80% for children. Several clinical, biological and therapeutic factors are essential ...
    • دور الذكاء الاصطناعي في هندسة البرامج التكوينية و تطوير الكفاءات 

      نور الهدى, قيس لبنى; سماعين, بوعمامة ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      تهدف الدراسة لتسليط الضوء على الذكاء الاصطناعي و خصائصه و التركيز على دوره في الفعال في عملية التكوين و تطوير الكفاءات ، بحيث أن برامج الذكاء الاصطناعي تحتوي على عدة أساليب لتمثيل المعرفة و المعلومات ، و لها قاعدة معرفية ...
    • Green Chemistry and its Implementation in Pharmaceutical Analysis : Green Pharmaceutical Analysis 

      Al-Shatti, Bashayer J.; Alsairafi, Zahra; Al-Tannak, Naser F. ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The expanding progression of industrial development was a pioneer for world economic growth. Green chemistry has been defined as ‘the employment of techniques and methodologies that reduce or eliminate the use or production ...
    • Treated Medical Wastes Concrete 

      Nassef, Ahmad Salah Edeen; Al Naqbi, Asila; Al Sheibani, Balaqis; Al Badi, Buthaina; Al Maqbali, Lamyaa ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      Medical wastes are hazardous, toxic and even lethal because of their high potential for disease transmission, All countries face a serious problem in the disposal of the medical wastes, where medical wastes rise rapidly ...
    • AI Enhanced Water Flow Scanner to Locate Leaks across Water Transmission Network 

      Al Balushi, Mohammed Sulaiman Said; Al Alawi, Maadh Anwar Abdullah; Al Sidairi, Turki Ali Muslem; Nicholas, Arthur Davis ( Qatar University Young Scientists Center - Qatar University , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The Water Transmission and Distribution sector in Oman faces numerous challenges, particularly when it comes to identifying and managing leaks in the network leads to public disturbances through shutdowns. In response to ...