A state of the art review of control techniques for power electronics converter based distributed generation systems in different modes of operation
المؤلف | Ahmed, K.H. |
المؤلف | Massoud, Ahmed |
المؤلف | Adam, G.P. |
المؤلف | Zobaa , A. F. |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2022-03-23T07:01:08Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2013 |
اسم المنشور | Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2013 |
المصدر | Scopus |
المعرّف | http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA.2013.6749906 |
الملخص | This paper presents an overview of the state of the art techniques in inverter-based distribution generation systems. Different control techniques and classification of inverter modules operated in grid and islanded modes are investigated. The merits and drawbacks of each technique are presented. The operation of the inverter is classified into, single and parallel operation. Parallel operation is used to increase the reliability but some techniques require communications links between the inverter modules. The problem of circulation current between different parallel inverters is investigated. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | IEEE Computer Society |
الناشر | IEEE |
الموضوع | Electric power system interconnection Circulation current Control techniques Distributed generation system Distribution generation Parallel operations Power electronics converters State-of-the art reviews State-of-the-art techniques Power electronics |
النوع | Conference |
الصفحات | 1042-1047 |
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