Mass Communication: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 75
استخدامات وسائل الاتصال الحديثة والتقليدية وتأثيراتها المحتملة: دراسة استكشافية على عينة عمدية من الجمهور العربي
( جامعة الكويت , 2020 , Article)هدف الدراسة: تسعى الدراسة إلى رصد مظاهر الاتصال والتواصل في عصر المعلوممات اللحظية، والتأثيرات المتبادلة بين وسائل الاتصال الجديدة والقديمة. المنهجية: بلغ عدد أفراد العينة البحثية ٤٠٠ مستجيب ومستجيبة من الجمهور العربي راوحت ... -
مميزات أخبار التصريحات وأهميتها في قناة الجزيرة الإخبارية
( جامعة الزيتونة , 2020 , Article)تبحث هذه الدّراسة في أخبار التّصريحات كصنفٍ منفصلٍ عن أصناف الأخبار الأخرى؛ وترى أنَّ الخبر التّصريحيّ بأنواعه ومضمونه وعناصره وبنيته التّركيبيّة وأشكال عرضه ومصادره المختلفة تخلق منه صنفًا يمكن تمييزه عن الأخبار العاديّة ... -
صورة المملكة العربية السعودية في الصحافة القطرية في ضوء الأزمة الخليجية
( University of Abdelhak Benhamouda - Jijel , 2020 , Article)تَتَنَاوَلُ هَذِهِ الدِّراسَةُ الصّورَةَ الذِّهْنيَّةَ لِلْمَمْلَكَةِ العَرَبيَّةِ السُّعوديَّةِ اَلْمُتَكَوِّنَةَ فِي مُخَيِّلَةِ المتابع للصِّحافَةِ القَطَريَّةِ فِي ضَوْءِ الأَزْمَةِ الخَليجيَّةِ الحاليَّةِ، وَمِن أَجْلِ ... -
Fatwa on Sattelite TV and the development of islamic Religious discourse
( Intellect , 2017 , Article)Satellite TV and the Internet revolutions have reinvigorated religious discourse in public spaces. Across the world, religious TV channels and Internet religious websites have taken up the roles of traditional religious ... -
Journalism and the Islamic Worldview: Journalistic roles in Muslim-majority countries
( Routledge , 2017 , Article)This paper looks at the extent to which journalistic culture in Muslim-majority countries is shaped by a distinctive Islamic worldview. We identified four principles of an Islamic perspective to journalism: truth and ... -
Framing diabetes public health information during Ramadan – a newspaper content analysis
( SAGE Publications Ltd , 2017 , Article)Objective: To evaluate health-related messages in printed media pertaining to diabetes care in Qatar during Ramadan. Methods: Qatar national newspapers (Arabic and/or English) published 6 weeks prior to and 4 weeks during ... -
Editorial policies and news discourse - how Al Jazeera's implicit guidelines shape its coverage of middle east conflicts
( SAGE Publications Ltd , 2019 , Article)The article examines Al Jazeera’s internal guidelines. It focuses attention on the broadcaster’s editorial policies and practices, how they are created, the way they shape news content, and whether they are documented or ... -
Visual Analysis of ISIS Discourse Strategies and Types in Dabiq and Rumiyah Online Magazines
( Routledge , 2019 , Article)Dabiq and Rumiyah are two professional online magazines that the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS) established between June 2014 and September 2017 to support its broadcasting media. This study examines the visual ... -
Qatar public relations: In focus
( Taylor and Francis , 2019 , Book chapter)[No abstract available] -
News consumption through SNS platforms: Extended motivational model
( Media Watch , 2018 , Article)The emergence of new media technologies has redefined how people, particularly the youth, are exposed to the news. Social networking sites (SNS), in particular, have widely changed the manner in which news is consumed. SNS ... -
Haktology, trump, and news practices
( Taylor and Francis , 2018 , Book chapter)Hacked and leaked content has become a major source of information for the mainstream news, particularly in the years since Donald Trump snatched the official Republican presidential nomination in 2016. This chapter seeks ... -
Press freedom and corruption: An examination of the relationship
( SAGE Publications Ltd , 2019 , Article)Are countries with a free press less corrupt than countries where the press is partly or completely unfree? Our empirical investigation finds evidence of a significant relationship between higher levels of press freedom ... -
التقرير الإخباري في نشرة الأخبار التلفزيونية : أنواعه ، أهميته، عناصره، طبيعته، لغته، قوالب إعداده
( دار نشر جامعة قطر , 2019 , Book)"التقريرُ الإخباريُّ في نشرة الأخبارِ التلفزيونيّة: أنواعُهُ، أهميتُهُ، طبيعتُهُ، لغتُهُ، وقوالبُ إعداده" يقعُ الكتابُ في حوالي 550 صفحة من الحجم المتوسط، ويعتمدُ بصورةٍ أساسيّةٍ على المراجعِ العلميّةِ الألمانيّة. يتألّفُ ... -
Relations 2.0, Strategies of Friendship Management on Facebook in Tunisia
( Media Watch , 2019 , Article)The Facebook platform is ahead of other social networks in Tunisia in terms of some registered users and is characterized by extensive use, especially among young people aged 18 to 30. To better understand how these young ... -
Media and Communication Studies: A Critical Approach
( (جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس مستغانم – الجزائر )Abdel Hamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem – Algeria , 2019 , Article)This paper investigates the problematic of media and communication studies and the need to renew its conceptual and methodological approaches in order to be able to integrate the many changes that the modern media ecology ... -
The communicative function of public spaces
( Taylor and Francis , 2018 , Book chapter)The study of urban spaces has attracted increasing attention over past decades partly due to the symbolic role attached to them and their use by social movements. City squares and other prominent urban spaces are becoming ... -
AlJazeera: Non-Violence and Peace Journalism
( Palgrave Macmillan , 2019 , Book chapter)Since its establishment in 1996, Al Jazeera has branded itself as an alternative source of news in a world dominated until then by Western media. Al-Jazeera’s role as an alternative voice has been particularly highlighted ... -
"الوعد" وبدء العد التنازلي
( جريدة الشرق , 2019 , Article)يتناول المقال جهود دولة قطر لاستضافة كأس العالم، وإعدادها ملفا قويا، أهلها للفوز باستضافة هذا الحدث العالمي، ويؤكد المقال على أن استضافة هذا الحدث الدولي، يمثل مكسبا عربيا كما هو قطريا، ومن ثم فهو جدير بالتشجيع والمساندة. ... -
How New Media Empower Yemeni People To Reveal War Stories
( Taylor’s Press , 2019 , Conference)Yemen was amongst Arab countries that underwent the so-called “Arab spring” in a bid to oust former president Ali Abdullah Saleh from power. In its aftermath, the country entered a national dialogue period that continued ... -
Unveiling of Matters: The Role of Investigative Journalism in Uncovering Corruption in the Arab World
( IntechOpen , 2019 , Book chapter)This study investigates types of corruption that had been revealed by investigative reports during the last 3 years and their impact on social, legislative, and other aspects of life. It surveys 145 reports achieved and ...