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Authorخالد شكري, أحمد
Authorسعد النعيمي, فاطمة
Available date2022-08-21T06:07:54Z
Publication Date2022-05-12
Publication Nameمجلة كلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية
Citationشكري أحمد خالد, و النعيمي فاطمة سعد. 2022. "زيادات «التبصرة في القراءات السبع» لمكيّ بن أبي طالب القيسي على الشاطبية". مجلة كلية الشريعة والدراسات الاسلامية 40 (2).
Abstractأهداف البحث: يهدف البحث إلى استخراج ما في كتاب التبصرة من أوجه قراءة زائدة على ما في الشاطبية؛ للتنبيه إلى عدم صحة القراءة بها الآن بعد أن انقطعت أسانيدها أو قلّ رواتها. منهج الدراسة: اتبع هذا البحث المنهج الاستقرائي بالاطلاع على جميع أوجه القراءة التي ذكرها مكي في كتابه، واتبع المنهج الوصفي لبيان وتوضيح ما ذكره، والمنهج المقارن في مناقشة ومقارنة كلامه مع ما في الشاطبية، إضافة إلى المقارنة مع كتاب النشر، حسب ما اقتضته طبيعة البحث. النتائج: من أهم نتائج البحث، أن الزيادات في التبصرة على الشاطبية أكثر من الزيادات على النشر، وقد تكون القراءة الزائدة عن أحد القراء صحيحة عن قارئٍ آخر، وأن الزيادات التي لا يجوز القراءة بها هي التي اختل فيها شرط أو أكثر من شروط القراءة الصحيحة. أصالة البحث: تظهر القيمة العلمية لهذا البحث من خلال تبيينه لأوجه القراءة التي لا يُقرأ بها مع ذكرها في أحد أمهات كتب القراءات.
PublisherQatar University Press
Subjectالقراءات القرآنية
Titleزيادات «التبصرة في القراءات السبع» لمكيّ بن أبي طالب القيسي على الشاطبية
Alternative TitleA Study of additions in "Al-Tabṣirah Fī ’Al-Qirā’āt ’Al-Sab " by Makkī b. Abī Ṭālib Al-Qaysī to Al-Shāṭibiyya
Issue Number2
Volume Number40
Alternative AbstractPurpose: This study aims to extract the aspects of an extra reading in the book of al-Tabṣirah over what is in al-Shāṭibiyya, to warn that this passage is not correct to be read now, that its chain of narrators has been discontinued or its narrators diminished. Methodology: The study followed the inductive approach by looking at all the readings mentioned by Makkī in his book, the descriptive approach to indicate and clarify what he said, and the comparative approach in discussing and comparing his words with the other reading books of readings, as required by the nature of the research. Findings: The most important results of the study are that the increases in insight into Shāṭibiyya are greater than that in al-nashr. The extra reading on the authority of one reciter may be correct on the authority of another reader. The increments that are not permissible to read are the ones in which one or more of the conditions of correct reading are defective. Originality: The scientific value of this research is shown through its explanation of aspects of reading that are not read by mentioning it in one of the most important books of readings.Purpose: This study aims to extract the aspects of an extra reading in the book of al-Tabṣirah over what is in al-Shāṭibiyya, to warn that this passage is not correct to be read now, that its chain of narrators has been discontinued or its narrators diminished. Methodology: The study followed the inductive approach by looking at all the readings mentioned by Makkī in his book, the descriptive approach to indicate and clarify what he said, and the comparative approach in discussing and comparing his words with the other reading books of readings, as required by the nature of the research. Findings: The most important results of the study are that the increases in insight into Shāṭibiyya are greater than that in al-nashr. The extra reading on the authority of one reciter may be correct on the authority of another reader. The increments that are not permissible to read are the ones in which one or more of the conditions of correct reading are defective. Originality: The scientific value of this research is shown through its explanation of aspects of reading that are not read by mentioning it in one of the most important books of readings.
AuthorKhaled Yousef Shukri, Ahmad
AuthorSaad B A Al-Naimi, Fatma
SubjectQur’anic readings
dc.accessType Open Access

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