Humanities and Social Sciences Center (Pre 2018)
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Humanities and Social Sciences Center Research [17 items ]
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إشكالية التحيز و أحكام القيمة في علم الاجتماع
( Al-Batraa University, Jordan , 2000 , Article)هذه الدراسة نظرية تقدم تحليلا لدور الموضوعية في البحوث الاجتماعية واهميتها -
المرأة و التنمية في المجتمع القطري : دراسة تحليلية لفرص التنمية البشرية المتاحة للمرأة القطرية
( مجلس النشر العلمي – جامعة الكويت , 1999 , Article)تعتبر التنمية البشرية أحد البرامج الإنمائية الأساسية التي تهيئ الظروف المناسبة للإنسان للمشاركة في بناء مجتمعه ، على اعتبار أن الإنسان هو هدف التنمية ووسيلتها في نفس الوقت . وأن المجتمعات تتقدم من خلال جهود أبنائها ومشاركتهم ... -
ارتفاع معدلات الخصوبة و تأثيره في عملية التنمية مع تحليل لأوضاع المرأة العربية
( مجلس النشر العلمي - جامعة الكويت , 2004 , Article)أصبحت العلاقة بين الأبنية الاجتماعية والأبنية السكانية, أحد المؤشرات التي تقاس بوساطتها عمليات التغير الاجتماعي والاقتصادي, بل إنها تعد وسيلة لقياس مستويات التنمية- ويتناول هذا البحث ظاهرة الخصوبة لدى المرأة بوصفها أحد ... -
اتجاهات الشباب و المراهقين نحو العمل الفني الصناعي في المجتمع القطري
( مجلس النشر العلمي – جامعة الكويت , 2004 , Article)إن الكشف عن دور العوامل الاجتماعية والثقافية في تشكيل الاتجاهات نحو العمل ، وبالذات العمل في مهن معينة أصبح عملية ضرورية وبخاصة أن مجتمعات الخليج تواجه مشكلات عزوف قوة العمل الوطنية عن العمل في مجالات معينة ، ولاسيما العمل ... -
The relation between spaces and cultural change: supermalls and cultural change in Qatari society
( University of the Aegean , 2017 , Article)This study is the first attempt to ethnographically assess the influences of supermalls on cultural change. It takes a first step toward enhancing our understanding of the influences of globalization and consumer culture ... -
Contradictory Forces in the Gulf Environment: Old and New Cultural Values and Knowledg
( Berghahn Books , 2014 , Book chapter)While the behaviour of individuals impacts on the environment, institutional attitudes may be more damaging. Government policies and private sector initiatives result in large-scale construction and industrial projects, ... -
Violence against women in Qatari Society
( Duke University Press , 2009 , Article)This study is the first of its kind using field and documentary research sources. While official sources on the subject have proven the limitations of such data, the study uses a field survey of a sample of 2,787 women ... -
A Portrait of Low-Income Migrants in Contemporary Qatar
( Taylor & Francis , 2013 , Article)Though transnational labor migration in the Gulf States has increasingly been of scholarly interest, that scholarship has to date relied largely on qualitative ethnographic methodologies or small non-representative sampling ... -
The intellectual frameworks and theoretical limits of Arab feminist thought
( Taylor & Francis , 2013 , Article)This is a critical assessment of the intellectual and theoretical underpinnings of Feminism in the Arab world across the different phases in its evolution. The paper notes what has been achieved in respect of some specific ... -
Impact of Innovative Learning Environment Based on Research Activities on Secondary School Student's Attitude Towards Research and Their Self-Efficacy.
( European Scientific Institute, ESI. , 2014 , Article)Advanced and free learning environment coupled with the creative learning activities is assumed to be a motivational variable. In the present study, we applied an innovative learning strategy involving students in order to ... -
The hierarchy of authority based on kinship, age, and gender in the extended family in the Arab gulf states
( William S. Hein & Co., Inc , 2013 , Article)Almost all aspects of life in the Arab Gulf States, including family, have been touched by rapid, unstoppable social change. Nevertheless, certain aspects of the family remain intact. That is, although the nuclear family ... -
Transitional society and participation of women in the public sphere: A survey of Qatar society
( Delhi, India , 2017 , Article)The purpose of this study was to assess the Qatar population current perceptions about women rights: like spouse selection, education, and their attitudes toward women’s new roles in Qatari society in transition period. ... -
Gender Roles in the Arab World: Development and Psychometric Properties of the Arab Adolescents Gender Roles Attitude Scale
( Springer , 2017 , Article)Scant research has been conducted on gender in the Arab world; one explanation is due to a lack of Arabic measures on gender-related issues. To advance scientific work on gender in the Arab world, we developed the Arab ... -
Yemen's Tribal Idiom: An Ethno-Historical Survey of Genealogical Models
( Oxford University Press (OUP) , 2017 , Article)The notion of an Arab tribe has been widely debated by anthropologists and historians. Whatever its relevance in specific social and historical contexts, it often serves as idiom of alleged genealogical descent. Arab ... -
Agriculture and Irrigation
( Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning , 2016 , Book chapter)n/a -
( Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning , 2016 , Book chapter)n/a -
Travel and Travelers
( Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning , 2016 , Book chapter)n/a