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AuthorAlzaareer, Khaled
AuthorSaad, Maarouf
AuthorMehrjerdi, Hasan
AuthorLefebvre, Serge
AuthorAsber, Dalal
Available date2022-11-14T10:49:07Z
Publication Date2020
Publication NameIEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
AbstractSensitivity Analysis has been widely used for voltage control of power grids. Typically, the sensitivity coefficients of network voltages are extracted from the inverse of Jacobian matrix. However, updating these coefficients based on the network operation conditions requires significant consuming time, which may add a new challenge for online voltage control of future power grids with distributed generation (DG), especially in the context of optimization techniques. In this paper, a fast sensitivity method is presented to find the sensitivity coefficients of network voltages via an analytical derivation. The approach is based on network admittance matrix and does not require extensive computing time, which is an advantage to be implemented in online applications. A IIKV, 75-bus distribution network is used to verify the proposed method. A simple voltage control scenario is also presented to demonstrate the potential application of the proposed sensitivity method. 2020 IEEE.
SponsorV. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the National Priorities Research Program under Grant 11S-1125-170027 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation).
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
SubjectDistributed generation
Distribution networks
Inverse of Jacobian matrix
Sensitivity coefficients
Voltage control
TitleA fast sensitivity analysis method for voltage control applications with distributed generation
Volume Number2020-August
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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