Formalizing dynamic behaviors of smart contract workflow in smart healthcare supply chain
We present a formal model for smart contract workflow using Colored Petri-Net in the context of a blockchain-based healthcare supply chain in this paper. Ensuring traceability of products is a crucial issue in a smart healthcare supply chain. Blockchain and smart contracts are two enabling technologies that ensure the traceability of products and prevent data tampering in the smart healthcare supply chain. In a blockchain-based supply chain, a workflow of smart contracts needs to created and executed based on the input data. The selection of smart contracts in the workflow is data-driven and dynamic. Hence, it is necessary to verify the correctness of the dynamic execution of smart contracts. In this paper, we develop a Colored Petri-Net based formalism to verify the correctness of dynamic behaviors of the smart contract workflow. We conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of our proposed model. ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2020.
- Computer Science & Engineering [2414 items ]