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AuthorMehrotra, Rajat
AuthorAbdelwahed, Sherif
AuthorErradi, Abdelkarim
Available date2023-04-10T09:10:06Z
Publication Date2013
Publication NameProceedings - 2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2013
AbstractIn this paper, a distributed control based performance management approach is developed for a general class of web services deployed in a cloud computing environment. This approach is developed using interaction balance principles that has been applied for optimal control of large scale dynamic systems. The proposed approach can be applied to a general class of distributed computing systems where performance can be tuned by changing a finite set of control inputs. The developed distributed control structure is demonstrated by applying it to manage a distributed web service to minimize power consumption and maximize quality of service. 2013 IEEE.
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
SubjectDistributed Control
Interaction Balance
TitleA distributed control approach for autonomic performance management in cloud computing environment
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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