Evaluation of ultrafiltration and multimedia filtration as pretreatmeprocess for forward osmosis
In order to reduce scaling in a multistage flash (MSF) desalination plant, the brine reject can be diluted using forward osmosis (FO) before recycling. In this FO process, the brine is used as the draw solution (DS) and seawater is used as the feed solution (FS). However, the FO process suffers from low water flux owing to membrane fouling. The water flux in FO can be enhanced by reduc-ing the foulant concentration in the FO feed solution (FS). Thus, in this paper seawater, multimedia sand filtered seawater, and ultrafiltrated seawater is being used as feed solution for the FO process. The flowrate of the feed solution was kept constant at 2.0 L/min. However, the flowrate of the draw solution (DS) were tested at 2.0 and 0.8 L/min. When the flowrate of the DS was 0.8 L/min, the highest initial flux of 44.1 L/m2 h were obtained using ultrafiltrated seawater as FS. After the initial run, the membrane was cleaned and during the second run, 83% of the initial flux was recovered using the ultrafiltrated seawater as FS. For ultrafiltrated seawater, the water recovery rate and specific energy consumption was 36.2% and 0.065 kWh/m3, respectively. 2020 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.
- Civil and Environmental Engineering [853 items ]