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AuthorMAKHOUL, Jihad
AuthorNAKKASH, Rima
AuthorAL-ALI, Khalid
AuthorMAZLOUM, Farah
AuthorQUTTEINA, Yara
AuthorNASARALLAH, Catherine
Available date2016-06-22T12:31:45Z
Publication Date2014-05
Publication Name5th Regional Conference of Salim El-Hoss Bioethics & Professionalism Program
Citation"Challenges to the application of research ethics: researchers' views from Lebanon and Qatar", MAKHOUL, Jihad . NAKKASH, Rima. AL-ALI, Khalid. MAZLOUM, Farah. QUTTEINA, Yara. NASARALLAH, Catherine. , 5th Regional Conference of Salim El-Hoss Bioethics & Professionalism Program, 2014
AbstractThe rise of academic institutions and in funding in the Arab World, poses concerns about the practice of research ethics. The influence of cultural and academic contexts on the interpretation and the application of research ethics is not well understood. A better understanding of the challenges the researchers face while conducting research studies will highlight what areas of improvement are needed in research conduct, and research ethics for both biomedical and social behavioral fields.
PublisherAmerican University of Beriut
SubjectResearch Ethic
social behavioral
TitleChallenges to the application of research ethics: researchers' views from Lebanon and Qatar
dc.accessType Open Access

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