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AuthorMahdi, E.
AuthorHamouda, A.M.S.
AuthorSebaey, T.A.
Available date2016-09-29T09:08:55Z
Publication Date2014-04
Publication NameMaterials & Design
CitationE. Mahdi, A.M.S. Hamouda, T.A. Sebaey, The effect of fiber orientation on the energy absorption capability of axially crushed composite tubes, Materials & Design, Volume 56, April 2014, Pages 923-928
AbstractAn experimental investigation to optimize the absorbed energy of axially crushed composite collapsible tubular energy absorber devices was carried out. Different fiber orientation were used in this study (0/90, 15/−75, 30/−60, 45/−45, 60/−30 and 75/−15). The cost effective wet wrapping process was used to fabricate the specimens. The quasi-static crush test was performed under the ambient conditions. The results showed the advantage of laying the woven fiber to 15°/−75° and 75°/−15°, in terms of the pre-crushing loading capacity and the energy absorbed. In addition, by means of visual and the optical microscopy observations, the failure modes of the all the specimens were discussed and categorized.
SponsorQatar National Research Fund (a part of the Qatar Foundation) through the National Priorities Research Program NPRP05-1298-2-560.
PublisherElsevier, Ltd
SubjectEnergy absorption
Composite tube
Cost effective
Loading capacities
TitleThe effect of fiber orientation on the energy absorption capability of axially crushed composite tubes
Volume Number56
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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