Tone of narrative disclosures and earnings management: UK evidence
المؤلف | Elshandidy, Tamer |
المؤلف | Kamel, Hany |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2024-08-28T09:53:35Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2024 |
اسم المنشور | Advances in Accounting |
المصدر | Scopus |
الرقم المعياري الدولي للكتاب | 8826110 |
الملخص | This paper investigates whether a relationship exists between the tone of narrative disclosures and engagement in earnings management activities. Using FTSE all-share nonfinancial firms, our estimates show a significant association between the tone of narrative disclosure (measured by the percentage of positive words, negative words, and net tone) and the prevalence of earnings management. The results also suggest that manipulating firms, which represent extreme cases of earnings management, are more likely to use less negative tone to conceal their fraudulent practices. In contrast, non-manipulating firms tend to use more positive tone to mask their involvement in managing earnings. Additionally, the paper examines the market reaction to both earnings management and the tone of narrative disclosure. The findings reveal that earnings management and net tone are positively associated with abnormal market returns for non-manipulating firms, but have no significant association for manipulating firms. Overall, the paper highlights the important role of the tone of narrative disclosures in providing clarity to the numbers presented in annual reports. |
راعي المشروع | We are grateful to Dennis Caplan (The Immediate Past Editor) and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. This paper has benefited from comments and suggestions provided by participants at the British Accounting and Finance Association Conference (London, 2018), the Research Seminar at Bradford University School of Management (Bradford, 2018), as well as from Mark Baimbridge, Jing Li, Aydin Ozkan, and Christian Stadler. We would like to express our gratitude for their valuable suggestions. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | Elsevier |
الموضوع | Earnings management Textual analysis Tone of narrative disclosures |
النوع | Article |
رقم المجلد | 64 |
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