This introductory chapter provides a platform of foundational knowledge to understand the political determinants of health from a planetary perspective. First, it explains the Australian political system from its pre-colonial history to the federation of states of today, the Constitution and three levels of government. Public policy and the relationship between politics and policy processes are discussed. Next, the Australian healthcare system is explored, including its levels of administration and public and private healthcare provision. Situated in an international context, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Australia's role in the WHO Western Pacific Region are discussed. This foundational knowledge will help build a sound understanding of the political determinants of health presented in the second section. The political determinants of health underpin all other determinants of health. Advocacy, power, political will and political capital are highlighted, and healthcare taxes and trade and globalisation are considered. The last section culminates by situating the political determinants of health within a planetary perspective as planetary health is defined. Climate change science is presented within the Australian and global context. These underpinning concepts of the political determinants of health will ensure ideas in each chapter are developed with a critical lens.
- Public Health [454 items ]