• Chemokine-cytokine networks in the head and neck tumor microenvironment 

      Nisar, Sabah; Yousuf, Parvaiz; Masoodi, Tariq; Wani, Nissar A.; Hashem, Sheema; ... more authors ( MDPI , 2021 , Article Review)
      Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are aggressive diseases with a dismal patient prognosis. Despite significant advances in treatment modalities, the five-year survival rate in patients with HNSCC has improved ...
    • Cross-talk between the microbiome and chronic inflammation in esophageal cancer: potential driver of oncogenesis 

      Sharma, Tarang; Gupta, Ashna; Chauhan, Ravi; Bhat, Ajaz A.; Nisar, Sabah; ... more authors ( Springer , 2022 , Article)
      Esophageal cancer (EC) is frequently considered a lethal malignancy and is often identified at a later stage. It is one of the major causes of cancer-related deaths globally. The conventional treatment methods like ...
    • Cytokine- and chemokine-induced inflammatory colorectal tumor microenvironment: Emerging avenue for targeted therapy 

      Bhat, Ajaz A.; Nisar, Sabah; Singh, Mayank; Ashraf, Bazella; Masoodi, Tariq; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2022 , Article Review)
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a predominant life-threatening cancer, with liver and peritoneal metastases as the primary causes of death. Intestinal inflammation, a known CRC risk factor, nurtures a local inflammatory environment ...
    • Cytokine-chemokine network driven metastasis in esophageal cancer; promising avenue for targeted therapy 

      Bhat, A.A.; Bhat, Ajaz A.; Nisar, Sabah; Maacha, Selma; Carneiro-Lobo, Tatiana Correa; ... more authors ( BMC , 2021 , Article Review)
      Esophageal cancer (EC) is a disease often marked by aggressive growth and poor prognosis. Lack of targeted therapies, resistance to chemoradiation therapy, and distant metastases among patients with advanced disease account ...
    • Insights Into the Role of CircRNAs: Biogenesis, Characterization, Functional, and Clinical Impact in Human Malignancies 

      Nisar, Sabah; Bhat, Ajaz A.; Singh, Mayank; Karedath, Thasni; Rizwan, Arshi; ... more authors ( Frontiers Media , 2021 , Article Review)
      Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are an evolutionarily conserved novel class of non-coding endogenous RNAs (ncRNAs) found in the eukaryotic transcriptome, originally believed to be aberrant RNA splicing by-products with decreased ...
    • Liquid biopsy: a step closer to transform diagnosis, prognosis and future of cancer treatments 

      Lone, Saife N.; Nisar, Sabah; Masoodi, Tariq; Singh, Mayank; Rizwan, Arshi; ... more authors ( BMC , 2022 , Article Review)
      Over the past decade, invasive techniques for diagnosing and monitoring cancers are slowly being replaced by non-invasive methods such as liquid biopsy. Liquid biopsies have drastically revolutionized the field of clinical ...
    • miRNAs as novel immunoregulators in cancer 

      Saife N., Lone; Bhat, Ajaz A.; Wani, Nissar A.; Karedath, Thasni; Hashem, Sheema; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2021 , Article Review)
      The immune system is a well-known vital regulator of tumor growth, and one of the main hallmarks of cancer is evading the immune system. Immune system deregulation can lead to immune surveillance evasion, sustained cancer ...
    • Targeting cancer signaling pathways by natural products: Exploring promising anti-cancer agents 

      Sheema, Hashem; Ali, Tayyiba Akbar; Akhtar, Sabah; Nisar, Sabah; Sageena, Geetanjali; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2022 , Article Review)
      Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and significantly burdens the healthcare system. Due to its prevalence, there is undoubtedly an unmet need to discover novel anticancer drugs. The use of natural products as ...