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AuthorYazdjerdi, Parisa
AuthorMeskin, Nader
Available date2021-01-27T11:06:54Z
Publication Date2017
Publication Name2017 5th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation, ICCIA 2017
AbstractAn actuator fault tolerant controller for differential drive mobile robots is proposed using the sliding surface scheme for a loss of effectiveness (LOE) actuator fault. It is shown that an LOE actuator fault can be modeled as a matched input disturbance and hence the sliding mode controller due its inherent robustness property can perfectly cancel the actuator fault effect on the performance of the mobile robot without a need to a fault detection and isolation module. Experimental validation is conducted on Qbot-2 mobile robot to verify the efficiency of the proposed controller scheme.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectDifferential drive mobile robot
Fault tolerant control
Multiplicative actuator fault
Sliding mode controller
TitleFault tolerant control of differential drive mobile robots using sliding mode controller
Volume Number2018-January

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