Now showing items 247-266 of 279

    • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from a Qatari Human Rights Perspective 

      Del Carmen Barranco Avilés, M; Laura Serra, M; Cuenca Gómez, P; De Asís Roig, R; Javier Ansuátegui Roig, F; ... more authors (2016 , Presentation)
      For a long time disability was considered a question of social development, outside the responsibilities of official human rights institutions. Over the last three decades this approach has evolved, and disability is now ...
    • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Impact on Qatar: Transitioning towards Full Implementation 

      Avilés, María; Serra, María; Gómez, Patricia; Roig, Rafael; Roig, Francisco; ... more authors (2016 , Poster)
      Disability: interaction between long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments and various barriers hindering full and effective participation in society (UNCRPD) Aim of CRPD: Promote, protect and ...
    • Use of CAPI in surveys data collection SESRI experience 

      Abdelhameed, Isam; Elawad, Elmogiera ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2011 , Presentation)
      In this presentation, we explained the technical challenges and how SESRI solved them to conduct successful CAPI surveys; also, we showed how SESRI dealt with the Qatari society in particular to make the interviewing ...
    • Use of GIS or Mapping for Case Assignment 

      Abdelhameed, Isam ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2012 , Presentation)
      A technical paper where I presented SESRI way to locate potential respondent in CAPI surveys using GPS and paper maps to assist field interviewers to locate housed and offices easily and effectively, in this presentation, ...
    • Validation of the General Self-Efficacy Scale among Qatari young women 

      Abdul Rahim, HF; Crandall, A; Yount, K.M. ( World Health Organization , 2015 , Article)
      The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) is a measure of people’s beliefs about their capacity to cope with life’s demands. Self-efficacy may be particularly relevant in transitional stages such as in late adolescence, when ...
    • Views of the Gulf Cooperation Council among Qatari and Other Gulf Nationals 

      Gengler, Justin; Tessler, Mark ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2016 , Report)
      Here we examine the orientations of Qatari citizens toward the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as revealed in a pan-GCC survey conducted in 2016. We assess general attitudes toward the Council as an institution, toward ...
    • Webinars for teacher professional development: perceptions of members of a virtual professional community of practice 

      Shal, Tarek; Ghamrawi, Norma; Ghamrawi, Najah A. R. ( Routledge , 2024 , Article)
      This study explores the significance of webinars as tools for supporting teachers’ professional development and growth beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, as perceived by the teachers themselves. The study employs a mixed methods ...
    • Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar 

      Diop, Abdoulaye; Mustafa, Semsia Al‐Ali; Ewers, Michael; Kien Le, Trung ( Wiley , 2019 , Article)
      In December 2010, Qatar won the rights to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup games. The FIFA announcement came with increasing pressure from international human rights organizations, media and other groups for Qatar to reform ...
    • What Money Can’t Buy: Wealth, Inequality, and Economic Satisfaction in the Rentier State 

      Sage Mitchell, Jocelyn; Gengler, Justin J. ( SAGE Publications , 2018 , Article)
      How do perceived inequalities in allocation impact citizen satisfaction with state-distributed benefits in rentier societies? Resource-rich rentier regimes are widely theorized to maintain the economic and political ...
    • What scientists need to do to accelerate progress on the SDGs 

      Malekpour, Shirin; Allen, Cameron; Sagar, Ambuj; Scholz, Imme; Persson, Åsa; ... more authors ( Nature Research , 2023 , Article)
      Drilling down into why the UN Sustainable Development Goals are so hard to achieve, and showing policymakers pathways to follow, will help the planet and save lives. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].
    • Who needs RDD? Combining directory listings with cell phone exchanges for an alternative telephone sampling frame 

      Guterbock, Thomas; Diop, Abdoulaye; Ellis, James; Trung Le, Kien ( Elsevier , 2011 , Article)
      Abstract The traditional Random Digit Dialing method (list-assisted RDD using a frame of landline phone numbers) is clearly under threat. The difficulty and costs of completing telephone surveys have increased due to ...
    • Who Supports Honor-Based Violence in the Middle East? Findings From a National Survey of Kuwait 

      Gengler J.J.; Alkazemi M.F.; Alsharekh A. ( SAGE Publications Inc. , 2018 , Article)
      This study reports findings from what is, to the authors' knowledge, the first nationally representative survey of public attitudes toward honor-based violence (HBV) in a Middle East country affected by such violence, and ...
    • Why Do People Participate in Surveys in Qatar? 

      Elawad, Elmogiera; Agied, Mohammed; Lee Holmes, John ( Asian Online Journal Publishing Group , 2016 , Article  &   Poster)
      In this paper, we assesses respondent participation in academic public opinion surveys in the State of Qatar. Rates of participation in SESRI’s face-to-face surveys remain at levels that far exceed those observed in Western ...
    • Why do we need to integrate the Indigenous culture to achieve Holistic Sustainability? 

      Al-Ghanim, Kaltham ( Corpus publishers , 2020 , Article Review)
      This paper proposes a vision of the re-discovery of Arabian Gulf communities’ culture and a revival of local knowledge in a bid to support, promote, and move towards a more sustainable future for the region. Information ...
    • 'Why Do You Ask?' the Nature and Impacts of Attitudes towards Public Opinion Surveys in the Arab World 

      Gengler, Justin J.; Tessler, Mark; Lucas, Russell; Forney, Jonathan ( Cambridge University Press , 2019 , Article Review)
      For the first time in an Arab country, this article examines attitudes toward public opinion surveys and their effects on survey-taking behavior. The study uses original survey data from Qatar, the diverse population of ...
    • Why Qatar Needs a Guest Worker Welfare Index 

      Ewers, Michael , [ إيورز, مايكل ] ( Qatar University , 2016 , Report)
      Ambiguity and acrimony surrounding the welfare of blue-collar guest workers in Qatar will continue in the current low-information environment devoid of comprehensive and scientific data on the status of low-income laborers. ...
    • Within-Household Sampling Conditioning on Household Size 

      Le, Kien T.; Brick, J. Michael; Diop, Abdoulaye; Alemadi, Darwish ( Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The World Association , 2012 , Article)
      We review existing methods for sampling an adult from a household and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these methods with respect to issues relevant for sampling in the Middle East and developing countries. We ...
    • Women and Political Interest in Qatar: Moving Ahead but Not Catching Up 

      Bethany, Shockley ( Taylor & Francis (Routledge) , 2016 , Article)
      Interest in politics is an important ingredient in the formation of civil society, which in turn provides the basis for good governance. Existing research has not clarified drivers of political interest with respect to ...
    • Work-Life -Balance in Qatar: Implementing Tows Analysis as a Variant of the Classic Strategic Tool, SWOT 

      El-Kassem, Rima Charbaji ( West East Institute Journals , 2018 , Article)
      Purpose The overall goal of this paper is to explore via Gap and TOWS analysis if organizations are offering innovative benefits from the perspective of married employees that make being a working dad or mom easier ...
    • Working and living conditions of migrant workers in the GCC 

      Diop, Abdoulaye; Le, Kien Trung; Ewers, Michael C. ( Taylor and Francis , 2016 , Book chapter)
      Since Qatar was awarded the hosting of the 2022 World Cup, a great deal of media attention has focused on the conditions of the foreign workers responsible for creating and maintaining the infrastructure of the modern Gulf ...