• Determining the conclusiveness of a meta-analysis. 

      Abdulmajeed, Jazeel; Pateras, Konstantinos; Kostoulas, Polychronis; Doi, Suhail A R ( Wolters Kluwer Health , 2024 , Article)
      The pursuit of conclusive evidence related to an unanswered foreground (decision-making) question has been the driving factor behind multiple ongoing and planned randomized controlled trials as well as meta-analyses. ...
    • Diagnostic accuracy of multiplex nucleic acid amplification tests for Campylobacter infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Rousou, Xanthoula; Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Kostoulas, Polychronis; Doi, Suhail A.R. ( Taylor and Francis Group , 2022 , Article Review)
      Campylobacter infection is one of the most frequently reported foodborne diseases with approximately 230,000 and 1.5 million cases each year in Europe and the USA, respectively. Culture methods are the reference for the ...
    • The epidemic volatility index, a novel early warning tool for identifying new waves in an epidemic 

      Kostoulas, Polychronis; Meletis, Eletherios; Pateras, Konstantinos; Eusebi, Paolo; Kostoulas, Theodoros; ... more authors ( Nature Research , 2021 , Article)
      Early warning tools are crucial for the timely application of intervention strategies and the mitigation of the adverse health, social and economic effects associated with outbreaks of epidemic potential such as COVID-19. ...
    • Likelihood ratio interpretation of the relative risk 

      Doi, Suhail A.R.; Kostoulas, Polychronis; Glasziou, Paul ( BMJ Publishing Group , 2022 , Article)
      Interpreting diagnostic test results in medicine The likelihood ratio (LR) is today commonly used in medicine for diagnostic inference. Historically, it was preceded by introduction, in 1966, of the predictive value ...
    • Overconfident results with the bivariate random effects model for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies 

      Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Meletis, Eletherios; Xu, Chang; Kostoulas, Polychronis; Doi, Suhail A.R. ( Wiley , 2022 , Other)
      Meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies are a fundamental component of evidence-based medicine, and they are extensively used in medical imaging and the clinical laboratory. Techniques specifically developed to combine ...