Proteins of cottonseed (gossypium barbadense) .• extraction and characterization by electrophoresis
The seed proteins of cotton (Gossypium barbadense) were quantitavely and qualitavely investigated. The qualitative study was carried out using different electrophoretic techniques ((PAGE, SDS-PAGE, Poro-PAGE, SDS-Poro-PAGE, 2-D SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing gels, and mapping gels). The quantities of the distilled water (albumin), salt (NaCl) (globulin), alcohol (prolamin) and alkaline solution (glu-telin) wer 126.4 +/- 1.51, 6.7.06 +/- 6.25, 30.78 +/- 4.2 and 79.40 +/- 3.1 mg/g dry meal respectively. Water soluble protein gave MW(s) of the reduced and unreduced buffer extracted proteins lies between 10 and 52 KD Second dimension gel showed that cottonseed proteins contain a disulphid bonded polypeptide with MW(s) 45 KD. Isoelectric points of the major polypeptides (the ploypeptides with MW(s) weights 52 KD and 48 KD) were between 9 and 9.5. The other polypeptides had pi-values between 5 and 7. Mapping gels, however indicated that the major bands were highly homogeneous with pi-values between 9-9.5.
- Qatar University Science Journal - [From 1981 TO 2007] [770 items ]