By-Catch Of Commercial Bottom Trawl Fishery From Qatar Waters, Arabian Gulf
The by-catch of the bottom trawl fishery from Qatar water, Arabian Gulf was analysed during the year (1987) on bimonthly basis. It was estimated that 496-635 tons were discarded as by-catch which included a lot of commercialy marketable fish (a check list of them is presented) of these fish 260 tons were longer in length than 15cm," and 130 ton longer than 20cm.
The study recommended inforcing the sorting out (on board the fishing vessels) of fish greater in length than 20cm, exploring the international market for exporting such fish and exploring the possibility of utilizing such fish as processed food.
- مجلة جامعة قطر للعلوم - [من 1981 الى 2007] [770 items ]