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AuthorHadroug, Samar
AuthorJellali, Salah
AuthorLeahy, James J.
AuthorKwapenska, Marzena
AuthorJeguirim, Mejdi
AuthorHamdi, Helmi
AuthorKwapenski, Witold
Available date2019-12-22T10:46:59Z
Publication Date2019
Publication NameWater
CitationHadroug, S.; Jellali, S.; Leahy, J.J.; Kwapinska, M.; Jeguirim, M.; Hamdi, H.; Kwapinski, W. Pyrolysis Process as a Sustainable Management Option of Poultry Manure: Characterization of the Derived Biochars and Assessment of their Nutrient Release Capacities. Water 2019, 11, 2271.
AbstractRaw poultry manure (RPM) and its derived biochars at temperatures of 400 (B400) and 600 ◦C (B600) were physico-chemically characterized, and their ability to release nutrients was assessed under static conditions. The experimental results showed that RPM pyrolysis operation significantlyaffectsitsmorphology,surfacecharges,andarea,aswellasitsfunctionalgroupscontents, which in turn influences its nutrient release ability. The batch experiments indicated that nutrient release from the RPM as well as biochars attains a pseudo-equilibrium state after a contact time of about 48 h. RPM pyrolysis increased phosphorus stability in residual biochars and, in contrast, transformed potassium to a more leachable form. For instance, at this contact time, P- and K-released amounts passed from 5.1 and 25.6 mg g−1 for RPM to only 3.8 and more than 43.3 mg g−1 for B400, respectively. On the other hand, six successive leaching batch experiments with a duration of 48 h eachshowedthatPandKreleasefromtheproducedbiocharswasaveryslowprocesssincenegligible amounts continued to be released even after a total duration of 12 days. All these results suggest that RPM-derived biochars have specific physico-chemical characteristics allowing them to be used in agriculture as low-cost and slow-release fertilizers.
Subjectraw poultry manure
TitlePyrolysis Process as a Sustainable Management Option of Poultry Manure: Characterization of the Derived Biochars and Assessment of their Nutrient Release Capacities
Issue Number11
Volume Number11
dc.accessType Open Access

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