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AuthorRamachandran K.
AuthorKadirgama K.
AuthorRamasamy D.
AuthorSamykano M.
AuthorSamylingam L.
AuthorTarlochan F.
AuthorNajafi G.
Available date2020-02-24T08:57:11Z
Publication Date2018
Publication NameJournal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
AbstractIn this present study, the experimental results for density and specific heat capacity for CNC based nanofluid are reported. The nanofluid used in this investigation was prepared by adopting two-step preparation method. Experiment results from the work carried out testifies that the density has proportional relationship to volume concentration and an inverse relationship with temperature. Meanwhile, the specific heat capacity displays a proportional relationship with temperature and has an inverse trend to volume concentration. An empirical mathematical model has been developed for relative density and relative specific heat capacity through Response Surface Method (RSM) by using Central Composite Design (CCD). Statistical analytical software (Minitab 17) was used to compute the theoretical model and ANOVA table. The significances of the empirical mathematical model were validated through ANOVA table by considering R2 (predicted), the difference between R2-R2 (adjusted), PRESS value and p-value in lack of fit. The obtained empirical model for relative specific density and relative specific heat capacity observed to be in good term with the experimental results with a maximum error of 0.26% and 0.72% respectively. Thus, the proposed mathematical model is suitable in predicting the specific heat capacity and density for CNC dispersed in the ethylene-glycol mixture.
SponsorThe authors would like to be obliged to Universiti Malaysia Pahang for providing laboratory facilities and financial assistance under project no. RDU151311 and TWAS 15-397 RG.
PublisherPenerbit Akademia Baru
Ethylene glycolwater
Specific heat capacity
TitleEvaluation of specific heat capacity and density for Cellulose Nanocrystal-based nanofluid
Pagination169 - 186
Issue Number2
Volume Number51
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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