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Authorالجراح, عامر
Authorالرهاوي, محمد خالد
Available date2020-03-03T07:41:48Z
Publication Date2020
Publication Nameحوليات الآداب واللغات
ISSN2335- 1969
Abstractيدرس البحث أثر القرآن الكريم في شعر الإمام عبد الحميد الفراهي، فيبيِّن صور الاقتباس من القرآن الكريم في شعره إن على مستوى اللفظ المفرد أو التركيب أو الجملة أو المعاني، كما يدرس أثره في موضوعات شعره ومضامينه وأساليبه، وقد جاء البحث في مقدمة ومبحثين: أولهما أثر القرآن الفنيّ في شعر الفراهي، والآخر أثره في اختيار موضوعات شعره
Publisherكلية الآداب واللغات بجامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة ،الجزائر
Subjectشعر الفراهي
القرآن الكريم
Titleأثر القرآن الكريم في شعر الفراهي
Alternative TitleThe impact of the Quran in the poetry of the al-Farahi
Alternative AbstractThe research studies the effect of the Holy Quran on the poetry of Imam Abd al- Hamid al-Farahi, paved the problem of the research, then gave a glimpse of his life to show the reason for his religious upbringing, then the first topic dealt with the artistic effect of the Holy Quran in it, which was manifested in the quotation, and it was found that he resorted to the literal quotation. , Which came at times short, long at other times, and to the quote in which it was changed, and the change may be easy, along with other poems in which he collected words from the Quran. The second topic dealt with the effect of the Quran on choosing topics of an Islamic religious nature, and made it into three divisions: the first in glorifying God and the Quran, the second in preaching and warning of this world, and the third in talking about the signs of the Hour, then stamping the results.
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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