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AuthorHe D.
AuthorLiu H.
AuthorChan S.
AuthorGuizani M.
Available date2020-04-02T11:08:04Z
Publication Date2019
Publication NameIEEE Network
AbstractIn recent years, amateur UAVs have become more and more popular. This is due to the decreasing cost and growing range of applications such as weather monitoring, cargo transport and recreational purposes. However, non-cooperative UAVs may cause abuses of low-altitude airspace with potential security and safety problems, posing increasing challenges for low-altitude airspace management. In this article, we analyze the mechanisms to counter UAVs. Then GNSS spoofing on a UAV is described and our experimental results are reported. Also, a novel method to build a no-fly zone for non-cooperative drones is proposed.
SponsorThis research is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB0801701 and 2017YFB0802805); the National Science Foundation of China (Grants: U1636216 and 51477056); a special project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission on Technical standards (No.16DZ0503000); and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Dao-jing He is the corresponding author of this article.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
TitleHow to govern the non-cooperative amateur drones?
Issue Number3
Volume Number33
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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