Mathematical Evaluation of Human Immune Systems for Securing Software Defined Networks
The immune system of the human body has massive potential in defending it against multiple harmful viruses and foreign bodies. All through their developmental history, human beings have been contaminated by micro-organisms. In order to restrict the nature, size, and intensity of these microbial invasions, human beings have inherent capabilities to deal with them. The human immune system is capable of protecting the body in the form of external barriers such as skin, cells, and tissues. Furthermore, it is capable of differentiating among the self and the non-self cells with the distinct properties and features that infiltrate the human body. This paper presents a case study of the human immune system in which we develop mathematical models of innate and adaptive immune system. Extensive simulations were carried out to study the effect of the foreign particles when the recovery mechanism occurs in the body. The results obtained, substantiate the reliability of the human immune mathematical model. Finally, we advocate that having a strong security and privacy around the human body can contribute in building a strong network system. For instance, the two layer immune inspired framework viz innate layer and adaptive layer can be instigated at the data layer and the control layer of Software Defined Networking respectively.
- Computer Science & Engineering [2402 items ]