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AuthorAl-Hitmi, Mohammed A.
AuthorRahman, Khaliqur
AuthorIqbal, Atif
AuthorAl-Emadi, Nasser
Available date2020-07-09T21:13:34Z
Publication Date2019
Publication NameJournal of Power Electronics
AbstractThis paper proposes the modulation and control of a three-to-six-phase matrix converter with an asymmetrical six-phase output. The matrix converter (MC) outputs consist of two sets of three-phase spatially shifted by 300, where the two sets have two isolated neutrals. The space vector approach is considered for the modeling and subsequent modulation of the three-to-six phase MC. The intelligent selection of voltage space vectors is made to synthesize the reference voltages and to obtain a sinusoidal output. The dwell times of selected voltage space vectors are adjusted in such a way that the effect of the second and the third auxiliary plane vectors (i.e., x1-y1, and x2-y2) are nullified. To achieve the maximum output voltage gain and to ensure that no reactive power is drawn from the utility supply, the input side power factor is maintained at unity. Nevertheless, the source side power factor is controllable. The modulation technique is implemented in dSPACE working in conjunction with a FPGA. Hardware results that validate the proposed control algorithm are discussed.
SponsorThis publication was made possible by Qatar University internal grant QUCP-CENG-17/18-2.
PublisherKorean Institute of Power Electronics
Matrix converter
Modeling of converter
Space vector pulse width modulation
TitleControl and modulation of three to asymmetrical six-phase matrix converters based on space vectors
Issue Number2
Volume Number19

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