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AuthorGuan, Zhitao
AuthorYang, Tingting
AuthorDu, Xiaojiang
Authoruizani, Mohsen
Available date2021-07-05T10:58:33Z
Publication Date2016
Publication NameIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC
AbstractRecently, with the support of mobile cloud computing, large number of health-related data collected from various body sensor networks can be managed efficiently. However, it is an important and challenging issue to keep data security and data privacy in cloud-integrated body sensor network (C-BSN). In this paper, we present a novel secure access control mechanism MC-ABE (Mask Certificate-Attribute Based Encryption) for cloud-integrated body sensor networks. A specific signature is designed to mask the plaintext, then the masked data can be securely outsourced to cloud severs. An authorization certificate composing of the signature and related privilege items is constructed that is used to grant privileges to data receivers. To ensure security, a unique value is chosen to mask the certificate for each data receiver. The analysis shows that the proposed scheme has less computation cost and storage cost compared with other popular models. 2016 IEEE.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
mobile cloud
TitleSecure data access for wireless body sensor networks
Volume Number2016-September
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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