السجلات المعروضة 101 -- 120 من 728

    • Model for oscillations in the guidance of ions through insulating nanocapillaries 

      Pokhil, G.; Merabet, H.; Stolterfoht, N. ( IOP Publishing , 2011 , Conference Paper)
      The pre-equilibrium period of the ion guiding through insulating nanocapillaries is characterized by the production of temporary charge patches inside the capillaries. The dynamics of the charge patch creation is revealed ...
    • Ion impact induced ionization/fragmentation dynamics of rare gas Dimers 

      Kim, H. K.; Titze, J.; Schöffler, M.; Trinter, F.; Waitz, M.; ... more authors ( IOP Publishing , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      We have measured the ionization and fragmentation of Helium, Neon and Argon Dimers induced by ion impact and observed two different pathways, the sequential ionization on each atom and the interatomic Cou-lombic decay. © ...
    • Robust adaptive learning control for different classes of dissipative vehicle systems 

      Mabrok, M.A.; Tran, Vu Phi; Petersen, Ian R.; Garratt, Matthew A. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2022 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents a methodology that leverages learning techniques and robust control theory to design an adaptive controller for a wide class of linear dynamical dissipative vehicle systems. In particular, learning ...
    • OCTUNE: Optimal Control Tuning Using Real-Time Data with Algorithm and Experimental Results 

      Abdelkader, Mohamed; Mabrok, Mohamed; Koubaa, Anis ( MDPI , 2022 , Article)
      Autonomous robots require control tuning to optimize their performance, such as optimal trajectory tracking. Controllers, such as the Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) controller, which are commonly used in robots, ...
    • Koopman Operator Approximation Under Negative Imaginary Constraints 

      Mabrok, Mohamed A.; Aksikas, Ilyasse; Meskin, Nader ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2023 , Article)
      Nonlinear Negative Imaginary (NI) systems arise in various engineering applications, such as controlling flexible structures and air vehicles. However, unlike linear NI systems, their theory is not well-developed. In this ...
    • Finding the Nearest Negative Imaginary System with Application to Near-Optimal Controller Design 

      Mabrok, M.A.; Mabrok, Mohamed A. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, we consider the problem of robust stabilization of linear time-invariant systems with respect to unmodeled dynamics and structure uncertainties. To that end, we first present a methodology to find the nearest ...
    • Robust stabilization of LTI negative imaginary systems using the nearest negative imaginary controller 

      Mabrok, Mohamed; Abdelrahim, Mahmoud ( John Wiley and Sons Inc , 2023 , Article)
      This paper considers the problem of robust stabilization of linear time-invariant systems with respect to unmodelled dynamics and structure uncertainties. To that end, a methodology to find the nearest negative imaginary ...
    • Large-Scale Swarm Control in Cluttered Environments 

      Elsayed, Saber; Mabrok, Mohamed ( Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH‏ , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      In the evolving era of social robots, managing a swarm of autonomous agents to perform particular tasks has become essential for numerous industries. The task becomes more challenging for large-scale swarms and complex ...
    • On the Lp boundedness of rough parametric Marcinkiewicz functions 

      Al-Salman, A.; Al-Qassem, Hussain ( Victoria University of Technology , 2007 , Article)
      In this paper, we study the Lp boundedness of a class of parametric Marcinkiewicz integral operators with rough kernels in L(log + L)(Sn-1). Our result in this paper solves an open problem left by the authors of ([6]). © ...
    • On certain rough maximal operators and singular integrals 

      Al-Qassem, H. M. (2007 , Article)
      We study the L p mapping properties of a class of singular integral operators T p,Ω,h related to polynomial mappings. We prove that this class of singular operators and some of its related maximal operators are bounded on ...
    • On rough maximal operators and Marcinkiewicz integrals along submanifolds 

      Al-Qassem, H. M.; Pan, Y. (2009 , Article)
      We investigate the LP boundedness for a class of parametric Marcinkiewicz integral operators associated to submanifolds and a class of related maximal operators under the L(log L)α(Sn-1) condition on the kernel functions. ...
    • On certain estimates for marcinkiewicz integrals and extrapolation 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain; Pan, Yibiao ( Universidad de Barcelona , 2009 , Article)
      We obtain Lp estimates for parametric Marcinkiewicz integrals associated to polynomial mappings and with rough kernels on the unit sphere as well as on the radial direction. These estimates will allow us to use an extrapolation ...
    • On certain rough integral operators and extrapolation 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain; Cheng, Leslie; Pan, Yibiao ( Victoria university , 2009 , Article)
      In this paper, we obtain sharp Lp estimates of two classes of maximal operators related to rough singular integrals and Marcinkiewicz integrals. These estimates will be used to obtain similar estimates for the related ...
    • Certain estimates of oscillatory integrals and extrapolation 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain (2010 , Article)
      In this paper we study the boundedness properties of certain oscillatory integrals with polynomial phase. We obtain sharp estimates for these oscillatory integrals. By the virtue of these estimates and extrapolation we ...
    • On certain estimates of rough oscillatory singular integrals 

      Al-Qassem, H. M. (2011 , Article)
      We obtain appropriate sharp estimates for rough oscillatory integrals with polynomial phase. Our results represent significant improvements as well as natural extensions of what was known previously.
    • On the boundedness of rough oscillatory singular integrals on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain; Cheng, Leslie; Pan, Yi Biao ( springer link , 2011 , Article)
      We obtain appropriate sharp bounds on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for rough oscillatory integrals with polynomial phase. By using these bounds and using an extrapolation argument we obtain some new and previously known results ...
    • Weighted estimates for oscillatory singular integrals 

      Al-Qassem, H.; Cheng, L.; Fukui, A.; Pan, Y. (2013 , Article)
      We establish uniform bounds for oscillatory singular integrals as well as oscillatory singular integral operators. We allow the singular kernel to be given by a function in the Hardy space H1(Sn-1), while such results were ...
    • Rough oscillatory singular integrals on ℝⁿ 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain Mohammad; Cheng, Leslie; Pan, Yibiao ( Instytut Matematyczny , 2014 , Article)
      We establish sharp bounds for oscillatory singular integrals with an arbitrary real polynomial phase P. The kernels are allowed to be rough both on the unit sphere and in the radial direction. We show that the bounds grow ...
    • On the boundedness of a class of rough maximal operators on product spaces 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain M.; Cheng, Leslie C.; Pan, Yibiao (2011 , Article)
      In this paper, we study the Lp boundedness of a class of maximal operators T (γ) {Ωj} and a related class of rough singular integrals on product spaces. We obtain appropriate Lp estimates for such maximal operators and ...
    • Boundedness of rough integral operators on triebel-lizorkin spaces 

      Al-Qassem, H. M.; Cheng, L. C.; Pan, Y. ( Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Seccio de Matematiques , 2012 , Article)
      We prove the boundedness of several classes of rough integral operators on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Our results represent improvements as well as natural extensions of many previously known results.