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AuthorAl-Marridi A.Z.
AuthorMohamed A.
AuthorErbad A.
AuthorGuizani M.
Available date2022-04-21T08:58:21Z
Publication Date2021
Publication NameIEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, HPSR
AbstractThe rapid increase in the number of patients requiring constant monitoring inspires researchers to investigate the area of mobile health (m-Health) systems for intelligent and sustainable remote healthcare applications. Extensive real-time medical data transmission using battery-constrained devices is challenging due to the dynamic network and the medical system constraints. Such requirements include end-to-end delay, bandwidth, transmission energy consumption, and application-level Quality of Services (QoS) requirements. As a result, adaptive data compression based on network and application resources before data transmission would be beneficial. A minimal distortion can be assured by applying Convolutional Auto-encoder (CAE) compression approach. This paper proposes a cross-layer framework that considers the patients' movement while compressing and transmitting EEG data over heterogeneous wireless environments. The main objective of the framework is to minimize the trade-off between the transmission energy consumption along with the distortion ratio and monetary costs. Simulation results show that an optimal trade-off between the optimization objectives is achieved considering networks and application QoS requirements for m-Health systems. 2021 IEEE.
SponsorQatar Foundation;Qatar National Research Fund
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
SubjectData transfer
Economic and social effects
Energy utilization
Quality of service
Remote patient monitoring
Adaptive compression
Compression approach
Cross-layer framework
Health care application
Medical data transmission
Mobile Health (M-Health)
Transmission energy consumption
Wireless environment
Data communication systems
TitleCAE Adaptive Compression, Transmission Energy and Cost Optimization for m-Health Systems
Volume Number2021-June
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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