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AuthorKoumoulos E.P.
AuthorValentin M.
AuthorDragatogiannis D.
AuthorCharitidis C.A.
AuthorKrupa I.
AuthorNovak I.
Available date2022-05-31T19:01:30Z
Publication Date2015
Publication NamePlastics, Rubber and Composites
AbstractIn this work, a radio frequency discharged plasma generated in air atmosphere by pressure has been used to modify polylactic acid (PLA) surface. The results were evaluated through nanoindentation testing. Contact angle measurements revealed a gradual transition to a more hydrophilic state with increasing polarity after plasma treatment, while partial recovery to their untreated state during 10 day storage in air was evidenced. The results were evaluated through nanoindentation testing. All PLA samples exhibited an almost hard-like surface area where hardness and elastic modulus are enhanced. The activity of the plasma creates a higher cross-linking density within the material in the surface region. For higher displacements, both H and E tend to reach pristine PLA's values. Hardness values reveal surface hardening due to plasma treatment except for 180 s etching time, where hardness is slightly decreased possibly due to surface deformation. The change of H/E slope reveals the strengthening of oxygen plasma etched PLA with 180 s of etching time with increasing displacement.
PublisherManey Publishing
Plasma applications
Cross-linking density
Gradual transition
Hardness and elastic modulus
Nanoindentation testing
Nanomechanical property
Poly lactic acid
Radio frequencies
Surface deformation
TitleNanomechanical properties of plasma treated polylactic acid
Issue Number8
Volume Number44

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