• Assessing Accuracy and Coverage of Housing Units Sampling Frame using the Post-Frame Update Survey (PFS) Method 

      Elawad, Elmogiera; Nardis, Yioryos; Agied, Mohamed ( Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies , 2017 , Article)
      Survey research using nationally representative samples is growing substantially in the rapidly developing countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). However, in such countries the population and their demographic ...
    • An Eye on the Future: Student Education Plans and Career Aspirations in Qatar : Results from the SESRI Qatar Education Study 2015 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; Al-Qassass, Haneen; Al-Rakeb, Noof; Elkassem, Rima ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2017 , Poster)
      Withtherealizationthateducationisthecatalystforanation’sprosperityandthatimprovedsocio-economicopportunitiesrelyinpartontheinvestmentsmadeineducation,Qatarhastakenwidestridesindevelopingitssystemofeducationviewedasstrate ...
    • From the "Fareej" to Metropolis" Qatar Social Capital Sirvey II 

      Diop, Abdoulaye; Al Ansari, Majed; Ken T. Le, Kien; Elmaghraby, Engi; Al Bloshi, Amina; ... more authors ( SESRI - Qatar University , 2017 , Report)
      Qatar faces a social and economic transformation today linked to its unique demographic composition. Understanding social interactions within and across its diverse subgroups is critical for understanding and managing ...
    • Indicators of Students’ Lack of Motivation in Qatar: Students’ Perspectives 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; Al-Qassass, Haneen; Al-Rakeb, Noof; Elkassem, Rima ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2017 , Poster)
      Striving for excellence in education, Qatar committed significant financial investments to revamp and modernize its system of education in order to prepare citizens for the challenge of modern society and to transform the ...
    • Stigma associated with mental illness: perspectives of university students in Qatar 

      Zolezzi, Monica; Bensmail, Nawal; Zahrah, Farah; Khaled, Salma Mawfek; El-Gaili, Tayseer ( Dove Press , 2017 , Article)
      Stigma in relation to mental illness is one of the main factors inhibiting people from seeking help. Studies have been undertaken looking into the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs (KAB) about mental illness among residents ...
    • The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar 

      Diop, Abdoulaye; Johnston, Trevor; Trung Le, Kien; Li, Yaojun ( Springer Verlag , 2017 , Article)
      Few studies have examined the role of religiosity and social capital on civic engagement in the context of a Muslim country. In this paper, we explore the impact of religiosity and social capital on charitable donations ...
    • A Path Analysis of Student Interest in STEM, with Specific Reference to Qatari Students 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; El-Kassem, Rima Charbaji; Al-Qassass, Haneen Basheer; Al-Rakeb, Noof Abdulhadi ( Modestum , 2017 , Article)
      ABSTRACT This study sought to explore the factors that help predict students’ interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Qatar. Drawing on recent work in the field, the present paper examines ...
    • Determinants of Banks’ Profitability: Panel Data from Qatar 

      El-Kassem, Rima Charbaji ( Scientific Research Publishing , 2017 , Article)
      Purpose : The aim of this paper is to investigate the main determinants of banks’ profitability and answer the question “what is the effect of liquidity and risk variables on the explained variation of banks’ performance ...
    • Factors Shaping Qatari Students’ Career Expectations in STEM, Business or Public Sector Fields 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; Kimmel, Linda; Wittrock, Jill; Hunscher, Brian; Cotter, Anna; ... more authors ( Modestum Limited , 2017 , Article)
      The purpose of this study was to identify factors shaping career expectations of Qatari students. The study examined individual and motivational variables likely to influence career expectations in STEM fields, the public ...
    • Growing food pyramids in the sand: how sustainable are Qatar’s self-sufficiency and foreign agro-investment policies? 

      Mustafa, Semsia Al-Ali ( Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare (IAO) , 2017 , Article)
      Achieving food security in the Arabian Gulf is no easy task. Fuelled by petrodollars, the countries largely rely on imports to feed their burgeoning population, making them susceptible to price and supply shocks. This paper ...
    • Proxy reporting in education surveys: factors influencing accurate reporting in the 2012 Qatar Education Study 

      Wittrock, Jill; Kimmel, Linda; Hunscher, Brian; Le, Kien Trung ( Taylor & Francis (Routledge) , 2017 , Article)
      Proxy reporting is a common practice during survey data collection to increase response rates while reducing fieldwork costs, and agreement between proxies and self-reports is critical to make reliable and valid inferences. ...
    • Research Report: The Political Economy of Sectarianism in the Gulf Region 

      Gengler, Justin ( Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , 2017 , Other)
      This collection seeks to advance our understanding of intra-Islamic identity conflict in the Middle East. Instead of treating distinctions between and within Sunni and Shia Islam as primordial and immutable, it examines ...
    • Qatar Against The Blockade 

      Al-Sayed, Hassan Abdulrahim; Al-Ansar, Majed Mohammad; Al-Khater, Lolwa Rashed; Al-Abul Qader, Khaled Shams; Al-Kubaisi, Fatima Ali; ; السيد, حسن عبدالرحيم; الأنصاري, ماجد محمد; العبدالقادر, خالد شمس; الكبيسي, فاطمة علي; الراكب, نوف عبدالهادي; ... more authors ( Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2017 , Article)
      INTRODUCTION: The unjust and surprising Qatar blockade may be considered the most important event in the country's contemporary history, given its essential political, economic and social impacts on Qatar’s present and ...
    • قطر في مواجهه الحصار : ملخص لأهم النتائج 

      السيد, حسن عبدالرحيم; الانصاري, ماجد; الخاطر, لولوة; العبدالقادر, خالد شمس; الكبيسي, فاطمة; ... more authors ( Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2017 , Report)
      حصار قطر الجائر والمفاجئ من الممكن اعتباره الحدث الاهم في تاريخ قطر الحديث. من حيث تأثيراته السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية الجوهرية على مستقبل قطر وواقعها. وبعد ان اجتازت السفينة القطرية العاصفة بنجاح أصبح لزاماً ان نتوقف ...
    • Exaggerating good governance: Regime type and score inflation among executive survey informants 

      Shockley, Bethany; Ewers, Michael; Nardis, Yioryos; Gengler, Justin ( Wiley , 2017 , Article)
      Researchers and policymakers often rely on executive surveys to understand and promote good governance. In doing so, they assume that the evaluations provided by these well‐informed respondents are not systematically ...
    • Qatar before the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

      Qutteina, Yara; Aviles, Maria del Carmen Barranco; Al-Ali, Khalid; de Asis, rafael; del Pozo, Pablo Rodriguez ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      Background: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the CRPD) is the first human rights treaty of the 21st century and the first binding instrument specifically focused on protecting persons with ...
    • Who Supports Honor-Based Violence in the Middle East? Findings From a National Survey of Kuwait 

      Gengler J.J.; Alkazemi M.F.; Alsharekh A. ( SAGE Publications Inc. , 2018 , Article)
      This study reports findings from what is, to the authors' knowledge, the first nationally representative survey of public attitudes toward honor-based violence (HBV) in a Middle East country affected by such violence, and ...
    • Changements climatiques et essor djihadiste au Sahel: une approche critique pour des solutions plus adaptées 

      Lambert, Laurent A.; Descroix, et Luc ( GQEG , 2018 , Article)
      Les pays du Lac Tchad et la communauté internationale ont privilégié depuis plusieurs années la résolution des problèmes complexes du Sahel (tels que le terrorisme, la pauvreté extrême et la dégradation environnementale) ...
    • Social Media Usage and Women's Empowerment in Qatar: Evidence from a National Representative Survey 

      Shockley, Bethany; Al-Lari, Noora; Elmaghraby, Engi; Al-Ansari, Mohammad Hassan M. A. ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      Introduction Social media usage has grown in importance over the past decade, particularly in Middle East. During this period, it has come to be recognized as more than a tool for social connections between individuals, ...
    • Initial Results from a Study on Greywater Reuse in Qatar: Economic Benefits and Public Opinions 

      Lee, Jordan M.; Lambert, Laurent A. ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      Due to low annual rainfall and depleted groundwater resources, Qatar relies on expensive and energy-intensive desalination and retreatment plants to meet its growing water demand. With a high consumption rate of 557 ...