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AuthorGao, Chenfei
AuthorSheng, Xiang
AuthorTang, Jian
AuthorZhang, Weiyi
AuthorZou, Shihong
AuthorGuizani, Mohsen
Available date2022-11-10T09:47:26Z
Publication Date2014
Publication Name2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014
AbstractDevice-to-Device (D2D) communication has emerged as a promising technique for improving capacity and reducing power consumption in wireless networks. Most existing works on D2D communications either targeted CDMA-based singlechannel networks or aimed to maximize network throughput. In this paper, we, however, aim at enabling green D2D communications in OFDMA-based wireless networks. We formally define an optimization problem based on a practical link data rate model, whose objective is to minimize power consumption while meeting user data rate requirements. We then present an effective algorithm to solve it in polynomial time, which jointly determines mode selection, channel allocation and power assignment. It has been shown by extensive simulation results that the proposed algorithm can achieve over 57% power savings, compared to several baseline methods. 2014 IEEE.
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Subjectchannel allocation
D2D communications
green wireless communications
mode selection
power assignment
TitleJoint mode selection, channel allocation and power assignment for green device-to-device communications
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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