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AuthorEbead, Usama
AuthorEl-Sherif, Hossameldin
Available date2023-01-29T09:23:43Z
Publication Date2020
Publication NameREHABEND
AbstractThe strength and deformation performances of fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM Uwrapped reinforced concrete (RC) beams has been studied in this work. Nine RC beams were used to assess this strengthening technique, three of which were unstrengthened while the other six were strengthened using two different types of fabrics; namely carbon-and polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole, PBO-FRCM. The specimens were four-point loaded in flexure until failure. The original reinforcement ratio of the beam was a parameter of which effect was assessed. All beams were strengthened using a single ply of the fabric used in the FRCM system. Test results indicated that the strength gain was higher for lower reinforcement ratios. The proposed strengthening method provided sufficient FRCM/concrete substrate bond that limited debonding and led to an increase in the strength of an average of 75%. The deformational characteristics were also significantly improved. 2020, University of Cantabria - Building Technology R&D Group. All rights reserved.
SponsorThis paper was made possible by the NPRP grant # NPRP 9-110-2-052 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The findings achieved herein solely the responsibility of the authors.
PublisherUniversity of Cantabria - Building Technology R&D Group
Reinforced concrete
TitleU-shaped frcm for strength and deformation enhancement of reinforced concrete beams
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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