Automated Deep Learning BLACK-BOX Attack for Multimedia P-BOX Security Assessment
Resistance to differential cryptanalysis is a fundamental security requirement for symmetric block ciphers, and recently, deep learning has attracted the interest of cryptography experts, particularly in the field of block cipher cryptanalysis, where the bulk of these studies are differential distinguisher based black-box attacks. This paper provides a deep learning-based decryptor for investigating the permutation primitives used in multimedia block cipher encryption algorithms.We aim to investigate how deep learning can be used to improve on previous classical works by employing ciphertext pair aspects to maximize information extraction with low-data constraints by using convolution neural network features to discover the correlation among permutable atoms to extract the plaintext from the ciphered text without any P-box expertise. The evaluation of testing methods has been conceptualized as a regression task in which neural networks are supervised using a variety of parameters such as variations between input and output, number of iterations, and P-box generation patterns. On the other hand, the transfer learning skills demonstrated in this study indicate that discovering suitable testing models from the ground is also achievable using our model with optimum prior cryptographic expertise, where we contribute the results of deep learning in the field of deep learning based differential cryptanalysis development.Various experiments were performed on discrete and continuous chaotic and non-chaotic permutation patterns, and the best-performing model had an MSE of 1.8217{e}^{-04} and an R^{2} of 1, demonstrating the practicality of the suggested technique.
- Electrical Engineering [2754 items ]