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Advisorالعناني, إبراهيم
Authorالحرم, روضة سيف عبدالله
Available date2023-03-02T11:35:29Z
Publication Date2023-01
AbstractWars have become a reality imposed on states, and their woes and effects are the most affected by them are civilians who fall under the brunt of international and non-international armed conflicts, and in particular the most harmful group are women and children as soft and gentle groups on whom the effects of violations are more grave than men, and as a result of this came the international law The humanitarian community solves this problem by imposing protection for civilians residing in areas of armed conflict, by providing general and special protection for both groups. However, this protection may be lost by the civilian in the event of his direct participation in hostilities, and this is what international law clarified and its mechanism, and despite from the international community's emphasis on protecting civilians and prohibiting their targeting, the warring parties are still committing grave violations that lead to immediate and future effects on Arab women and children.
Subjectحقوق المرأة
حقوق الطفل
المجتمع الدولي
Titleانتهاك حقوق المرأة والطفل أثناء النزاع المسلح النموذج العربي (دراسة حالة(
Alternative TitleThe Violation of Rights of Women and Children During the Armed Confilct. The Arab conflict (Case Study)
TypeMaster Thesis
Departmentالقانون العام
dc.accessType Open Access

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