• British Muslims: A Challenge 

      Abdel-Hady, Zakaryya Mohamed; عبد الهادي, زكريا محمد ( Qatar University , 2007 , Article)
      The Muslim community in Britain today face multiple challenges covering a wide range of spectrum from the basic right to exists, fighting the increasing trends of Islamophobia, having equal opportunities, to participate ...

      Benboudina, Amar ( PalArch's Journals , 2021 , Article)
      This study touches upon the aesthetics value as a pedagogical procedure in educational institutions. It also refers to the original Islamic educational theory considering the factors forming the modernized man, using ...
    • The ‘Conventions of The Arabs’ (Maʿhūd Al-ʿarab) As A Fundamental Principle of Tafsir 

      Helli, Abdulrahman ( Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya , 2022 , Article)
      This article aims to re-examine a rather neglected yet fundamental principle in the Islamic exegetical heritage, namely, ‘considering the conventions of the Arabs at the time of revelation of the Qurʾān’ - murāʿāt maʿhūd ...
    • Fatwa on Sattelite TV and the development of islamic Religious discourse 

      Miladi, Noureddine; Karim, Saleh; Athambawa, Mahroof ( Intellect , 2017 , Article)
      Satellite TV and the Internet revolutions have reinvigorated religious discourse in public spaces. Across the world, religious TV channels and Internet religious websites have taken up the roles of traditional religious ...
    • Islam & the issue of gender 

      عبد الهادي, زكريا محمد ( International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009 , 2009 , Conference Proceedings)
      Much confusion has developed on the issue of Islam and gender, Islam as a religion is seen to give preference to one gender over the other. This has been particularly realized in dealing with issues which are of concern ...
    • Lost in Translation: The Ideological Effects of the Translator and the Interpreter on the Qur’ānic Text 

      El-Khatib, Abdallah ( Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh , 2018 , Article)
      this article focuses on how the ideological views of an interpreter or translator of the Qur’ān affect the meaning of the translated verse. Extremist Muslim groups, such as ISIS, have misinterpreted some verses of the ...
    • The Masjid yesterday and today 

      Abdel-Hady, Zakaryya Mohamed ( Georgetown University. Center for International and Regional Studies. , 2010 , Article)
      Masjid holds a vital role in the life of all Muslims. Throughout history, Muslim communities have always been attached to the Masjid in some way or the other. It was not restricted to being a place of worship, performing ...
    • The Right to Freedom of Conscience: Western and Islamic Perspectives 

      Valčiukas, Juozas; Al Majali, Mohammad Khazer Saleh (2021 , Article)
      With the constant reoccurrence of the question of peaceful coexistence among people of different religions, legal traditions, and understandings of freedom and human nature, there is a need for a fresh study of the concept ...
    • The Role Of Forgiveness In Building Social Harmony In Modern Society 

      Nehela, Basyouny ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2014 , Conference Paper)
      The role of forgiveness in building social harmony in modern society One may ask, what is the purpose of having different religions globally? Religions are meant to promote peaceful feelings, and stabilize the society. As ...
    • Towards an Environmental Economics of Islam 

      Izzidien, Moaal ( Zayed University , 2015 , Article)
      In Islam, ecology and economics are two systems that are part of the divine cosmic order. The role of humans is purely to discover, and use, these systems for the betterment of life in all its forms. This article examines ...
    • اللسانيات وتطبيقاتها على القرآن الكريم : دراسة نقدية 

      الرحماني, آلاء سامي; المجالي, محمد خازر ( عمادة البحث العلمي والدراسات العليا بالجامعة الإسلامية بغزة - فلسطين , 2021 , Article)
      من المناهج الحديثة التي طُبِّقت على القرآن الكريم في الآونة الأخيرة "مناهج اللسانيات"، وقد أثار هذا النوع من المناهج جدلاً كبيراً، بين منادٍ للاستفادة من العلوم الحديثة لتطوير مجال التفسير وفهم القرآن، وبين رافضٍ للفكر ...
    • أثر التأصيل المنهجي في البناء المعرفي الاسلامي 

      عبيد, حسن حميد ( جامعة زيان عشور الجلفة , 2019 , Article)
      يُعدُّ التأصيل المنهجي الطريق الواضح الذي يسلكه الانسان بحثاً عن الحقائق المعرفية لبناء تصوراته الفكرية، وعند التركيب بين التأصيل والمنهج يصير مقصدنا التأسيس لضوابط منهجية تبني أصولاً صحيحة لتلقي المعرفة والتعامل مع ...
    • من الجودة إلى الإبداع : بدائل منهجية ومعرفية لتفعيل منظومة التعليم 

      معميش, عز الدين ( اللجنة الوطنية القطرية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم , 2019 , Article)
      سنطرح في هذا البحث؛ الأدوات التي تُمكّن من تجاوز الأساليب التقليدية في التعليم والتي لا زالت رهنا بمصطلح قديم ولد مع نهايات الحرب الباردة ولم يواكب التطورات الهائلة في العشرين سنة الأخيرة، وهو مصطلح الجودة، ونطرح بالمقابل ...