Theme 4: Water, Environment, and Climate Change
Recent Submissions
Review on Decarbonizing the Building Sector in Oil and Gas Countries: The Case of Qatar
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Climate change is a serious international issue, and nations must move to carbon reduction to mitigate this problem. Therefore, Qatar is building strategies, towards energy transitions and decarbonization. Whereas, energy ... -
Numerical Simulation of Climate Change Impacts on the Coast of Oman
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)It is well known that there is an apparent increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, such as tropical cyclones (IPCC, 2023). This will lead to a significant effect not just on the infrastructure ... -
The Dependent Clogging Dynamics and Its Impact on Porous Media Permeability Reduction
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The dynamics of fine particle entrapment, transport, and deposition within pore systems, particularly the ability of mobile fines to impair permeability within porous media, are critical to a variety of natural and manmade ... -
Efficient Reservoir Operation in an Arid Region with Extreme Hydrologic Flows: A Case Study, Oman's Largest Dam
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Wadi Dayqah dam (WDD) is still not operating, and its operation targets are not yet fixed. Arid hydrology and the presence of new users require a new look at this dam's operation plan. The updated and optimal operation ... -
Environmental, Social and Governance-related Challenges in the Construction Industry (CIC 2023)
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The construction industry is faced with several Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges and opportunities that include, but are not limited to, a massive carbon footprint, the physical impacts of climate ... -
Estimation of Blue and Green Water Potentials of Türkiye under Global Climate Change Effects
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)This study analyzed the impact of global climate change scenarios on the water resources of Turkiye by means of various climate and hydrological simulations projected for this century. An integrated approach was used by ... -
Emerging Brine Management Approaches for Sustainable Desalination in the GCC Countries
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The major technologies employed in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) based commercial desalination facilities are classified into two categories: the membrane-based (mostly reverse osmosis (RO)) and thermal-based (primarily ... -
How Efficient Would Demand-Based Water Strategies Be for Qatar?
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Qatar is a water scarce country that heavily relies on seawater desalination. Multiple studies have concluded the need for a more resilient water planning through efficient "demand control" strategies. This study is among ... -
Enhancement of Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane Performance for Produced Water Treatment by Incorporation of Graphene oxide/Chitosan/Silicon dioxide Nanocomposite
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Oil and gas production is accompanied by generation of large amounts of produced water as usually three barrels of produced water is generated for each barrel of oil. Membrane-based water reclamation technologies have been ... -
Improvement in Environmental Management Performance in Ashghal Projects
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) of Qatar is responsible for countrywide infrastructure and public building projects starting from their planning stages and through design, procurement, construction, operation, and ... -
Assessment of Ablution Water Consumption in Mosques
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)In Muslim majority countries, like those of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), ablution is a necessary component to fulfil religious commitments of prayer, thus a significant amount of water is consumed on daily basis ... -
A Strategic Design Approach for Implementing Rainwater Management System Using an Integration of GIS and BIM Tool
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)An increase in urbanization and uncontrolled development has resulted in a water stress situation, which necessitates the exploration of alternate water sources. Rainwater has proven to be a prominent alternate water source ... -
Geotechnical Challenges for Underground Infrastructure in Qatar: Hydrogeological Assessment for Dewatering and Deep Excavation Works: South of Wakrah Pumping Station and Outfall (SWPSO) Project
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The evaluation of hydrogeological conditions and groundwater inflows, as part of the geotechnical risk assessment, poses one of the key challenges during the design and construction of major infrastructure projects and ... -
Rainfall Change Projections under Different Climate Change Scenarios in UAE
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities is predicted to have significant and lasting effects on the global climate throughout the 21st century. The resulting warming over the past decades ... -
UV Induced Photodegradation of Direct Green dye by Tb-doped La10Si6O27 Catalyst
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Due to the expansion of industry, the world's population growth has led to increased air and water contamination. Because they are poisonous and non-biodegradable, organic dyes are a significant source of this contamination. ... -
Design Considerations of MPSO Marine Outfall and Diffuser Field
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The purpose of the Musaimeer Pump Station and Outfall (MPSO) project is to receive storm water runoff and groundwater flows from the Abu Hamour Tunnel and to provide a pumping station, a marine outfall tunnel and a diffuser ... -
Advanced Block Copolymer Membranes for Oily Industrial Wastewater Treatment
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Tremendous amounts of oily wastewater are produced daily from industrial processes, including petrochemical, textile, leather, and steel processing. This wastewater is a huge challenge to the environment and industry uses ... -
Challenging Hydraulic Aspects of MPSO Project, Qatar's Showcase for Storm Water Outfall
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The purpose of the Musaimeer Pump Station and Outfall (MPSO) project is to receive storm water runoff and groundwater flows from the Abu Hamour Tunnel and to provide a pumping station, a 10 km marine outfall tunnel and a ... -
Retention of Hydrophobic Colloids in Unsaturated Porous Media using Microfluidics
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)Water recharge wells can provide a solution for 3.5 billion people, living in regions suffering from water scarcity. Due to fines migration, freshwater wells that are used to recharge aquifers, often experience expedited ... -
Automated Calibration of the EPA-SWMM Model for an Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Peak Discharge for a Sub-Urban Catchment of Delhi
( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Conference)The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), USA is a dynamic hydrologic-hydraulic model that simulates the amount and quality of runoff from urban areas. It is broadly used for planning, ...