Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1 type_keyword:Article 45231 26.59% 0.00
2 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 41157 24.20% 0.00
3 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:false 31637 18.60% 0.00
4 author_authority:(7dd20e85-f831-4a39-b1ac-3e682f1f3aad) 25469 14.97% 0.00
5 author_authority:(9861df2b-6182-4275-a239-da2611b18db5) 22349 13.14% 0.00
6 dateIssued_keyword:2021 21787 12.81% 0.00
7 subject_keyword:Diabetes 16258 9.56% 0.00
8 subject_keyword:COVID-19 15878 9.34% 0.00
9 dateIssued_keyword:2022 14363 8.44% 0.00
10 subject_keyword:adults 13987 8.22% 0.00


Searches% of TotalPageviews / Search
170079 100.00% 0.00