Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 110 17.30% 0.00
2 type_keyword:Dissertation 109 17.14% 0.00
3 subject_keyword:Anti-inflammatory potential of HDL 83 13.05% 0.00
4 subject_keyword:developing a robust DSME intervention program 81 12.74% 0.00
5 dateIssued_keyword:2023 79 12.42% 0.00
6 author_authority:(aa22ec68-178c-490e-a3f8-4c8f5a7d9a11) 78 12.26% 0.00
7 subject_keyword:diabetes self-management (DSM) 69 10.85% 0.00
8 1 66 10.38% 2.15
9 author_authority:(55bc8f37-714a-4a5d-a1f3-c67a402b2c0d) 63 9.91% 0.00
10 dateIssued_keyword:2022 59 9.28% 0.00


Searches% of TotalPageviews / Search
636 100.00% 0.00