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AuthorBen Hassen, Tarek
AuthorEl Bilali, Hamid
Available date2024-04-23T05:38:49Z
Publication Date2021
Publication NameNew Medit
AbstractInnovation plays an essential role in addressing the interlinked environmental, social, and economic challenges facing the agri-food sectors in the North Africa region. This systematic review analyses the state of research on innovation in North African agri-food sector and investigates whether sustainabil-ity is addressed in the research strand. The analysis shows an increasing interest in the research field, although many publications are authored by scholars based in institutions outside North Africa. Most of the selected documents deal with crops and the production stage of the food chain. The focus is generally on technical innovations while social, organizational, and marketing ones are overlooked. There are growing attempts to connect innovation to sustainability and sustainable development by moving towards the concept of 'sustainable innovation'. Factors hindering agri-food innovation relate to policy, research, institutional environment, extension, and human capital. The promotion of innovation in the North African agri-food sector is crucial to unlock the sector's potential and improve its competiveness, resilience, and sustainability.
PublisherBononia University Press
Marketing innovation
North Africa
Organisational innovation
Process innovation
Product innovation
Sustainable innovation
TitleInnovation in north african agriculture and food
Issue Number3
Volume Number20

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