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AuthorJoyce, M. Gordon
AuthorWheatley, Adam K.
AuthorThomas, Paul V.
AuthorChuang, Gwo-Yu
AuthorSoto, Cinque
AuthorBailer, Robert T.
AuthorDruz, Aliaksandr
AuthorGeorgiev, Ivelin S.
AuthorGillespie, Rebecca A.
AuthorKanekiyo, Masaru
AuthorKong, Wing-Pui
AuthorLeung, Kwanyee
AuthorNarpala, Sandeep N.
AuthorPrabhakaran, Madhu S.
AuthorYang, Eun Sung
AuthorZhang, Baoshan
AuthorZhang, Yi
AuthorAsokan, Mangaiarkarasi
AuthorBoyington, Jeffrey C.
AuthorBylund, Tatsiana
AuthorDarko, Sam
AuthorLees, Christopher R.
AuthorRansier, Amy
AuthorShen, Chen-Hsiang
AuthorWang, Lingshu
AuthorWhittle, James R.
AuthorWu, Xueling
AuthorYassine, Hadi M.
AuthorSantos, Celia
AuthorMatsuoka, Yumiko
AuthorTsybovsky, Yaroslav
AuthorBaxa, Ulrich
AuthorMullikin, James C.
AuthorSubbarao, Kanta
AuthorDouek, Daniel C.
AuthorGraham, Barney S.
AuthorKoup, Richard A.
AuthorLedgerwood, Julie E.
AuthorRoederer, Mario
AuthorShapiro, Lawrence
AuthorKwong, Peter D.
AuthorMascola, John R.
AuthorMcDermott, Adrian B.
Available date2017-11-05T10:10:45Z
Publication Date2016-07-28
Publication NameCell
CitationM. Gordon Joyce, Adam K. Wheatley, Paul V. Thomas, Gwo-Yu Chuang, Cinque Soto, Robert T. Bailer, Aliaksandr Druz, Ivelin S. Georgiev, Rebecca A. Gillespie, Masaru Kanekiyo, Wing-Pui Kong, Kwanyee Leung, Sandeep N. Narpala, Madhu S. Prabhakaran, Eun Sung Yang, Baoshan Zhang, Yi Zhang, Mangaiarkarasi Asokan, Jeffrey C. Boyington, Tatsiana Bylund, Sam Darko, Christopher R. Lees, Amy Ransier, Chen-Hsiang Shen, Lingshu Wang, James R. Whittle, Xueling Wu, Hadi M. Yassine, Celia Santos, Yumiko Matsuoka, Yaroslav Tsybovsky, Ulrich Baxa, James C. Mullikin, Kanta Subbarao, Daniel C. Douek, Barney S. Graham, Richard A. Koup, Julie E. Ledgerwood, Mario Roederer, Lawrence Shapiro, Peter D. Kwong, John R. Mascola, Adrian B. McDermott, Vaccine-Induced Antibodies that Neutralize Group 1 and Group 2 Influenza A Viruses, In Cell, Volume 166, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 609-623, ISSN 0092-8674,
IdentifierPMCID: PMC4978566
AbstractAntibodies capable of neutralizing divergent influenza A viruses could form the basis of a universal vaccine. Here, from subjects enrolled in an H5N1 DNA/MIV-prime-boost influenza vaccine trial, we sorted hemagglutinin cross-reactive memory B cells and identified three antibody classes, each capable of neutralizing diverse subtypes of group 1 and group 2 influenza A viruses. Co-crystal structures with hemagglutinin revealed that each class utilized characteristic germline genes and convergent sequence motifs to recognize overlapping epitopes in the hemagglutinin stem. All six analyzed subjects had sequences from at least one multidonor class, and—in half the subjects—multidonor-class sequences were recovered from >40% of cross-reactive B cells. By contrast, these multidonor-class sequences were rare in published antibody datasets. Vaccination with a divergent hemagglutinin can thus increase the frequency of B cells encoding broad influenza A-neutralizing antibodies. We propose the sequence signature-quantified prevalence of these B cells as a metric to guide universal influenza A immunization strategies.
PublisherElsevier Inc.
TitleVaccine-Induced Antibodies that Neutralize Group 1 and Group 2 Influenza A Viruses
Issue Number3
Volume Number166
Open Access user License
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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